Greedy tomato clown?


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Are they all greedy or am I just lucky to have a greedy fish? The tomato could be in a rock or behind a rock and as soon as he sees a person coming to the tank, poof he is following you for food. (nope, I do not fall for it and over feed him :) )
My issue is the other fish. (damsels and some other small guys) The tomato will either eat fast or chase others away from the food. I have to put food in both hands, put one hand near the top of the right side of the tank and after the tomato follows my hand, feed the other fish on the other side of the tank.
Maybe after I get a bubble tip or something to pair the clown, he will be nice about the food?
I doubt your clown is greedy, fish are unable to feel such an emotion. Agreggsive, I would say yes. How big is your tank? How much live rock? Where are your nitrates? How big is the tomato clown compated to the other fish in the tank, what other fish in the tank?
I've got a Harlequin Tusk that is the hog of the tank. He'll spit food out just to grab another piece. I've got a 155g and he covers both ends of the tank and I find it hard to isolate him so I can feed my Porcupine Puffer that is not as fast.