Green Chromis question


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My wife love's the green chromis. Me, not so much. She says that she wants some in the tank, so I'm looking to purchase some. I've placed chromis in my tank before but for some reason they never last long. Generally, I'll start with about 5. Within a couple of weeks, I'm down to 4 ect. From what I've read, the group tends to continually pick on the weakest until there is only one left.

The question I have is what is the secrete to longevity with the green chromis.

I have a 75 gallon reef tank that currently possess about 6 passive fish and many corals.

This is true.From what I have experienced, 10 yrs ago I bought 4 B&G cromis, and only one is still with me.I believe in very large tanks 300 or bigger they might do better.
The only way I have heard of countering them picking on each other is very large numbers. Similar to keeping Cichlids on the freshwater side. The hope is if you get enough numbers in the tank the group won't be pick on just one fish in the group.
I started with 3 over 3 years ago and still have two left. I never really had any issues of them picking on each other. I must have been lucky.
Fishlips;1101036 wrote: This is true.From what I have experienced, 10 yrs ago I bought 4 B&G cromis, and only one is still with me.I believe in very large tanks 300 or bigger they might do better.

Nope, I got 40 of them 2 years ago for my 300g. I have 3 now.
I got 10 about a year ago, I lost 2 within a couple months. I still have 8 ranging from 1" to probably close to 3"
I've heard something about Chromis being harvested with cyanide, and having a very high mortality rate after a few weeks. Not sure how true this is, but I've also witnessed the hardiness of chromis being questionable.
Once I got mine through quarantine, and put the surviving 8 (who lived past 6 weeks in QT) in my 200g display tank, they have done fine. Been about one year. They once went through a weird spawning behavior and acted insane for 48 hours, and then back to normal. All are alive and have doubled in size (2 inches now).
Lots of ffish are harvested with cyanide. Indo, Philippines, africa, etc.

Dynamite is used in the far west too.

Who knows how each fish is collected now adays