Greetings from new member


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Hello everyone,
I just joined the club and wanted to check in. I've been away from the hobby for about 20 years having had some limited success keeping marine tanks in NY. I've had FW tanks since I was a kid (now pushing 50, yikes!) and we had a nice salt setup running for a couple years before moving to Atlanta in the 80's. I started back up in Decmeber and of course everything is new! My initial setup has been running for about three months now and I have been sticking to the basics and keeping things simple. Here is my current setup;<span style="font-family: Helv;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"> 70G reef read tank with 15G sump, lighting is a Coralife 36" (1) 96 watt 10,000K and (1) 96 watt True Actinic 03 Blue straight pin base compact fluorescent lamps, Supreme Mag-Drive Utiilty Pump 700GPH in the sump, 9 watt UV sterlizer CAP-400 powerhead, Coralife Skimmer (125G cap), two additional 158GPH powerheads in the tank for water circulation.
I am stocked with about 90 pounds of LR, 60 pounds of LS, currently keeping some soft corals (mushrooms, pulsing zenia, yellow polyps, one plate coral), assorted cleanup crew (Nassarius(6), Astrea(6), hermit crabs(6), arrow crab). A pair of Dwarf Flame Angels, three small Pajama Cardinalfish, one small Royal Gramma and a Fire Goby are the only fish.
Just starting to see some coraline algae growing on the back of the tank and all the corals have been growing in size over the past month. Pulsing Zenia has split and attached on LR in several places so things seem to be going ok. I'm struggling (like everyone else) to maintain the temp within a reasonable range and looking at possibly adding a chiller. I ended up setting up a small FW tank (7 gallons) while I was waiting for the 70G to cycle the LR and LS, since I needed something to stick my hands in while I patiently waited six weeks! And now I have a small 10G LS/LR nano going which started out to be a quarantine tank and now has a few inverts and a small clownfish. The sickness has begun again...... I've even infected another "group member" ... sorry bud! :roll:

Bob Z in Marietta
Welcome to the ARC!!! We're glad to have you on board! Thanks for the intro... be sure to introduce yourself around at your next meeting
:welcome: Welcome to the ARC and welcome back into the hobby of reefkeeping! :thumbs:

:welcome: as everyone has said above. Since everything has changed since you were last in the hobby, SaltwaterU would be a great event for you to attend. YOu will meet a lot of members, speakers from around the world, and learn a thing to two too.
Welcome abord... I know how hard it is to get back into it after a few years off. EVERYthing has changed and there was alot of relearn once I took about 7 years off!