Group buy Frag tank Build

I have used bio sphera from io but I think a week is cutting it right. Maybe if using live rock and filter media from a cycled tank but still cutting it tight
Looks amazing! Can't wait to see if full of frags.
Me to. Tomorrow I will set the salinity and move over some filter media and add some bio sphera. Coming right along. Now I need to go visit Adam and get my egg crate.
How did you attach the acrylic to the glass? Just regular silicone?
That is what I used. I got the small tube of loctite clear silicone its aquarium safe. I found its easier to manipulate the small tube in tight space than a big caulking gun
Water is up to 1.025 salinity prams look good. New set of lights it's the maxspect r420r. So far they are looking great. I still have to ad my rack which I can do today until I get my black egg crate. Will be adding some gsp in there for a test piece. Ironically enough it's the same piece I put in my DT for a test piece. Skimmer should be here today and will be ready for a couple fish.20200411_110638.jpg20200411_110729.jpg
I am a fan of the Razors. I have one of their smaller fixtures over my 30g. Very nice lights
They say the max spread is 40" and that's what I have. I think this is going to be a great light. It's looking good.
Looking good.
Are those picasso clowns? I've been debating what clowns to get as well. Its either those or bulletholes.
I got these at Atlanta aquarium today. They were 2 for 15. I was thinking they were regular clowns. To be honest with you I didn't even watch them being caught or after they was in the bag. I was surprised when I put them in the tank. I just wanted poopers in the tank :)
Looking good.
Are those picasso clowns? I've been debating what clowns to get as well. Its either those or bulletholes.