Grrrrr.... need some help.


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Okay, got some wicked hair algae that I need eradicated. I know the cause and I'm too impatient for the wet skimming and phos media to work it out slowly.
I'm looking for something that YOU HAVE SEEN eat hair algae. Blenny, sea hare, tang, whatever. I'll pay you full price for the specimen and return it back to you after its duty has been completed.
Anyone that can help?
If you remind me ill lend you my turbo snail about the size of a golf ball i have two in my 29g that destroyed every bit of hair algae that i had. if you need it remind me on Tuesday or revive this thread and i will bring it to the meeting.
Try bumping up your Mg level by 300 points in an hour. That's worked for me before. I don't have any inverts to lend out.
Could you explain how that works? It sounds interesting...
i have a huge turbo that mows right through hair algae, just let me know and i will bring him to the meeting.
DannyBradley;85680 wrote: Try bumping up your Mg level by 300 points in an hour. That's worked for me before. I don't have any inverts to lend out.

I would be very cautious wih this- that can really F up the alk/ca/pH balance, and the SPS wont like it.
I don't know if it's hair algae, but a large piece of rock looked like it had a crew cut growing out... a couple days after getting a foxface, the hair was gone.

Hope this helps!
I might have to start the "Rent a Hare" program again! Kappaknight was the demise of the last passed around sea hare (not his fault, they tend to get caught in PH's!)
I have 2 jumbo superduper snails that is the size of grapefruits.

Will give you for 2 months when I'm out the country if you want. I can bring it to the meet.
Oh Tony I have to pull my offer although it seems you got it covered. I will not be at the meeting this month I will be at the Kings of Leon concert at the Fox this Tuesday coming.
jmaneyapanda;85722 wrote: I would be very cautious wih this- that can really F up the alk/ca/pH balance, and the SPS wont like it.

High magnesium won't have an effect on calcium. Short term it can form Magnesium carbonate, but that freely disassociates in alkaline conditions back into Mg and CO3s.
DannyBradley;86026 wrote: High magnesium won't have an effect on calcium. Short term it can form Magnesium carbonate, but that freely disassociates in alkaline conditions back into Mg and CO3s.

Oh, I disagree. At least up to the point of quickly raising magnesium. If done so, see how much slower the calcium will precipitate. Magnesium does effect the supersaturation of CaCO3. At any rate, this is why I mentioned it as the calcium/alk/pH balance.
Hey Tony. I have personally seen sea hares and lettuce nudibrach completely eradicate hair algae in Simon's tank in a couple of weeks.
Check with him he may still have them.
I've got a 5 inch sailfin tang you can borrow. I think he'd like a vacation anyways and dine on some fresh food. My place is like 3 miles from the next meeting so if you want him let me know in advance and I'll setup my myriad of traps for him.