H. erectus fry 7 weeks old

I'm near by and would love to buy some from u when they are ready i have a pair but always need more:)
They are almost 19 weeks old now and most are 4 inches stretched out and growing fast. Most of my boys turn a bright golden color as they dance and flash their pouches at each other. All have beautiful saddle markings and a few smaller ones have cirri still.

PM me if interested and we can meet up.
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This is really cool, thank you for sharing!!! What sort of tank do you have them in now?
They are in a 27 gallon bio cube with a HOB filter and a protein skimmer. I have the intake guarded with plastic balls with holes to keep them from getting "stuck" right now but they should be fine in a tank with a sump as long as any power heads are covered so they don't get their tails caught.

My adults are in a 58 gallon w/sump and I have more babies in a 10 gallon until they are big enough to move to the 27 gallon.

If anyone is interested in reading up on them, I highly recommend
a> to learn more! :)