Hair Algae Problem. Help


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I have a 29 gallon tank that has been running for over a year now. And within the last 2 weeks the hair algae a gone out of control. All my parameters are testing fine. I did a 12 gallon water change and it got worse. Any ideas of what is causing this and how to control. Thanks
Light seems to the problem for me...Mine usually are on too long..Look at that.
How long would you recommend? Mine are on for about 12 hours a day.
12 hours per day is some what long. Try running your lights back to 10 hours. The lights may help the algae grow but there are other factors that may also aid in the algae growth.
3 damsels and a snowflake eel. damsels 1 time a day and the eel every other day.
GaDawg wrote: ...running for over a year now. And within the last 2 weeks the hair algae a gone out of control.....I did a 12 gallon water change and it got worse....

I agree about needing to test for Phosphates.

Have you tested your Publix water using a TDS meter? If not, then test that. If you don't have a TDS meter, if you can bring a sample to Tuesday night's meeting and let me know in advance, then I can bring mine to test it.

Have you made <u>any</u> changes to your system in the last 3-4 weeks? If so, what were they?
No changes except the water change. Where are the meetings held at?
Bet you a Damsel you have high posphates...where do ya live? Take a sample to your fish store
GaDawg wrote: No changes except the water change. Where are the meetings held at?

Our upcoming meeting is this Tuesday at 7:30PM off of I-75 just inside the Perimeter.

Here's a link that gives you directions and tells more about the">meeting</a>.

BTW, meetings are free. :)
How are you filtering your tank?

What kind of skimmer?

Seems like your bioload is on the higher side. You may have to step up the water changes to keep it cleaned out.
I agree , Phosphates. I had the same prob. Checked and the Phosphates were literally off the charts. I ran Phos sponge in the sump for 2 days, baked and reused it for 2 days, baked again and used for 2 days. That is all they recommend for baking and reuse but it worked. phosphates are at 0 now.
Niusance algae need phosphates to grow. If you keep your phosphates at or near 0 you shouldn't have any problems with hair algae. I agree with Bob, the likely cause is that Publix hasn't changed their filters on their RO unit in a while and you aren't getting true RO water.

Good luck, keep us posted.