Hair algea


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Ive got a bad hair algea problem in my 1 month old biocube. What eats hair algea. I rip it out each day but it comes right back.
Sea hares do sometimes...turbo snails will...need to find the source of the problem and deal with that instead of the symptoms
What would the source be? It apeared at about week 2 and its now week 4.
True, but I would like to add corals and its getting in the way and being a pain!
Wait it out? If there's a huge ammount of phosphate it won't go away unless you do waterchanges...I would do some nice changes, cut back on feeding, reduce the photo period for a week or two..
his tank is newly set up, and almost all tanks go through a cycle which includes hair alage.
Well I havent feed becuase there are no fish so I may just cut back the photo, and do a change.
Sally light foot and some emerald crabs have always done the trick. Good luck :)
There is some kind of phosphate that is 'fueling' the hair algae.

What water source are you using?

if you are ripping it out and it keeps coming back, that is a sign that there are nutrients fueling the gha "fire".

I had gha once in my 30g, but as soon as I quit overfeeding it and did some water changes it went away on its own.

You could put in some chaeto to help pull out the nutrients.
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">Phosphate reduction/ removal and high trates could be the answer. If you cannot get a fuge or sump (you can maybe make a "rubbermaid sump with chaeto in it for a few bucks) you can get a $35.00 hangon phosphate reactor for your tank and put some Phosar HC in there (or other GFO). In the future, you'll most likely need a refugium with Macro algae (even a hangon will help). At first you’ll need to change your Iron based media in the phosphate reactor more often. Your media will get saturated in 2 weeks or so depending upon how much is bound up in your rocks, tank, algae, etc. Use less media, change every 2 weeks. Use a great test kit like DD Merck, Hack, Elos, or colormeter or send to AWT. If you already have a fuge & reactor, be aggressive & change the media every 2 weeks.</span></span>

<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">when you do your water change, take the end of the hose and suck all the algae down like a vaccum. It'll take a few water changes, but it works (especially after the phosphate remover kicks in)</span></span>

<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">You must export the same or more nutrients than you put in. Overfeeding, tap water, high phosphate foods, etc. Use a phosphate reactor with some phosar or ROWA or whatever, and something to lower nitrates like a fuge, AZNO3, or whatever. </span></span>

<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">check out:</span></span>"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: #0000ff;"></span></span></span></a>

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Im using RODI water. I will get some crabs, do some W/C's. I am not overfeeding as there is nothing in the tank. Im going to try to make the middle chamber a fuge. If anyone has some cheato they can bring to the meeting please let me know. I would love to put it in the tank.