HALP, i think my tank is crashing..or something bad


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After a week of fighting this, i have given up trying to solve it myself, and came here for help.

I recently used to hardered rubber rods and drilled some of my live rock to make a more 'radical' design to the rocks. Well something has happened and all the sudden i get this brown stingy algea in my tank that is clinging to everything, and a good deal of my soft corals wont open all the way. I removed the rods, did a 10% water change, tested water (am 0, nit/nitr 0, phospate 0, calcium 480-500, alk 8.0+).

Waited to the next day, moar algea, corals slightly more open, did another water change, and another the next day.

Some of my corals dont seem effected (mushrooms, birdnest SPS, Acro, frogspawn) and some are either not opening (yellow and green star polyups) or bleaching (orange catspaw SPS). Up till i added those stupid rods, tank was fine, none of this brown stuff. Now i'm cleaning it off my tank everyday. I moved the majority of my corals to other tanks, my crabs, snails, starfish, and fish dont seem the least bit bothered...so that rules copper out (i think). I've dont 5 water changes in the last 7 days, and it doesnt seem to be changing anything.

My last hope is chemi-clean for the algea (which looks like a brown mossy cyanobateria, but not like the regular red cyanobateria), or maybe some mexican turbos. What i can't understand is why some corals are effected and others arent?

Tank is 1 year old 55 gallon/20 gallon sump with RO/DI water (DI resin is 80% still blue), with weekly water changes. Skimmer seems to be pulling a lot more foam than normal too.

Any help would be appreacated. The corals i moved to other tanks seem find, opened the next day, so it got to be just in that tank. I removed the rods as i said (which were just hardened rubber), the only thing i cant rule out is some chemical got into the water like a household cleaner (i'm not here all the time and the roomates Fiancee does like to clean).
they are used for support for lawn sprinkers, sprinklers just slide up them to open. They are 100% rubber (at least according to the tag) i washed them with RO water before i used them. I bought them at home depot
im assuming you pulled the rocks out of the water to drill the holes in them??

Test kit is brand new, only 2 weeks old. Phospated read 0. I though about die off, but the rocks were only out of the water at the most 15 mins. And only then it was only 3-4 pieces out of 10. Would that be long enough to cause that amount of die off...also checks phospate today, still reads 0
Right, thats what i figured, I'm guessing a massive water change next, i've already changed 30+ gallons...sigh, looks like a lot of seawater i'm gonna have to buy, RO unit takes to long
I work with some different types of rubber at work. Most are labeled as yours was "100% rubber" and they may well be; but they are all manufactured with some type of petro based additive to act as a lube during manufacture. My guess is that some of this left over petro stuff was still present and leached into your tank. Maybe with a bunch of water changes and time it will eventually work out of the system.
tgray3;323474 wrote: I work with some different types of rubber at work. Most are labeled as yours was "100% rubber" and they may well be; but they are all manufactured with some type of petro based additive to act as a lube during manufacture. My guess is that some of this left over petro stuff was still present and leached into your tank. Maybe with a bunch of water changes and time it will eventually work out of the system.

thanks, and thank the rest of you guys, makes me feel better, next time its fiberglass or acrylic...if i'm dumb enough to try this idea again. Anything i can do to blast this algea? :tongue:
gasoline would kill it for sure... but to make sure everything else in the tank stays alive... maybe just wait it out?? add a couple extra hermit crabs?
FWIW, plastic clothes hangers, 10/$1, come in gray and black also, and the long part is a good 12" long, and it's rigid.
au01st;323479 wrote: FWIW, plastic clothes hangers, 10/$1, come in gray and black also, and the long part is a good 12" long, and it's rigid.

thats a great idea! I'll use than when i upgrade to a new tank, thanks :yes:
I'm guessing some kind of organic (in a general sense) substance leached out of the rubber which both encouraged/fed the cyano and bothered some of the corals.

That would also explain why the skimmer is running heavier than normal.

In that case, running heavy carbon would help get it out of the water quickly and clean the water in general -- but you may have already done that.

I know about that brown mossy stuff -- once it gets started then it's hard to get rid of.
Does this algea have air bubbles in it? From the discription, it sounds a little like Dinoflagellates


Plus, google some pics of this type algae.
Also the rods that come with window blinds are acrylic and maybe 2-2.5 ft long. I would look for those as well. They may even come in colors.

I would just run carbon, and keep up the waterchanges. Adding turbos will definatly help fight the algae.

The dieoff could happen even with 15 minutes out of the water. It doesnt even take that to kill a sponge, if you have many. I would think in time you will be ok.
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Here ya go......... Does it look like this?
Dakota9;323537 wrote:
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Here ya go......... Does it look like this?

YEAH! thats the stuff (mine isn't that bad...yet) But thats what it looks like...how do i get rid of it?
Seems to be much better today, though the all the corals havent opened all the way, and my catspaws is still half white. I'm ordering some turbos today (i've been wanting some anyway) and i replaced the carbon in my canister filter and added some into my phos-reactor, hopefully this solves the problem