hammer coral wont open


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i dont know if im being a worry wart but i but i got this hammer wall coral yesterday online along with some mushrooms and 2 anthias the mushrooms are fully open and the hammer is still closed up its in a crevice in a rock close to the sand bed with indirect flow ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5 or below ph 8 alk 8 dkh salinity 1.025 temp 78.2

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yea the water was clear in the bag i dont believe its dead i can still see it but its just pulled all the way in
It must have been dead after shipment then I will contact the place I purchased it from for store credit I guess

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Oh its not in direct flown it's in the bottom of the tank in non direct flow

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You would see flesh covering the skeleton if it were still happy and healthy.
Has anyone ever got a credit with blue zoo aquatics I'm not sure how the process works

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wall hammers are kind of tricky .... and your tank looks fairly new, but there's a lot of flesh on that type of coral and if the water in the bag was clear, where did all the flesh go? .... maybe they sent you a skeleton.
It's going into its third month I used a lot of dry rock when I started the tank and placed the live rock on top of it to seed it and I have no idea I've had plenty of tanks in years in this hobby and I've never had a coral just die like this

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I had Jeff Muse's wall hammer recovering in my tank for awhile. While it didn't look quite</em> as bad as that one, it looked like a goner. After a few days, though, it started to return. Eventually, it was back almost to its former glory, though it was clear it had suffered.
I'm just going to contact blue zoo and get a replacement thanks everyone for helping

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Yea I emailed them earlier waiting for a response

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the bag it was in stunk pretty badly when I opened it

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Good reason to buy from our vendors. That way it won't be dead unless you killed it and you can pick out which one.hopefully they will take care of you. I've never dealt with them so I can't say.
Stinky = dead or dying.

I see a bit of tissue in the picture but I'd say it's got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

If the shipping box got too hot or too cold, there's your result. And with the weather the way it has been lately, cool overnight and warm during the day, even a temperature swing if it was riding around in a truck or left in a shipping can at an airport, can spell the end.

What fish do you have in there? Reason I ask is that if you've got, oh say a yellow clown goby (for no particular reason, ahem) it might start to peck at the polyps just as they start to extend - thus keeping your hammer tightly retracted until it passes the point of no return.

Had this happen to two different frogspawns in my tank over the years. Love the little fish, but hate this aspect of its behavior.
2 maroon clownfish and 2 lyretail Anthias

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I have always had better luck with larger hammers, torches, and frogspawn purchased through local fish stores. The big ones take it harder during shipping than the smaller ones, I have noticed. I usually will only buy small heads of Euphyllia mail order.