Losing Coral

"the only solution to pollution is dilution"

That small amount probably won't really matter, but my stance on it has always been

No copper in my DT at all, ever.
Also update- lost all my softies too
Ok, now.. I'm doubting my last post.

If the copper is bound to the rock and sand, it won't be free floating in the water.

Something is most definitely going on. As a fail safe when I start losing stuff, it's time for water changes.
I went through a small crash years back and I did 15 gallon water changes on my 320 for 5 days in a row..
And Im going to be that guy..

(Sorry I don't know how to edit on tapatalk)

Api kits sucks.. I've never found them to be worth a crap. That's why earlier I mentioned buying a high end kit..

At minimum a salifert kit..
With talking with a reliable friend of mine.

His advice was to get some cuprizorb and cross your fingers.

Even in low low doses, copper is really rough.

One only gains wisdoms by making mistakes.
Just to clarify, the 5 teaspoons was not straight cupramine.
It was 5 teaspoons or so of saltwater that had cupramine in it. So the 5 teaspoons had a concentration of .5 ppm. Really a tiny amount of copper overall for 260 gallons, no?
Or did that tiny amount ruin all of my rock and sand? API copper test currently showing 0 ppm for whole system but the API kit seems pretty imprecise in general
Your fine.

Couple water changes, which you've done. Some metasorb and time.

Don't add any coral for another few weeks and start with some cheap testers.
@mphammer once you think you have the tank sorted I have some bubblegum and forest fire digis I can cut for ya. I have some zoas you are also welcome to
Damn this hurts to read. Sorry you’re going through all this. I think you should get a professional water test done to do a full analysis on your water. It will take a few weeks to get back but it will help pinpoint any issues with water quality. What is your water chemistry at right now?