Hammer, frogspawn, or a mixed breed?


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I originally thought this was a hammer until a buddy came along and called it a frogspawn. Then we both looked at it closer and we saw characteristics of both. I was just curious what everyone's consensus was.
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That's easy its a froghammer. :bash:

Looks like fragspawn to me. Hammer would have a hammer head flare at the end of the tentacle.
I'll be the first to tell you I'm no expert by any means. I'm just now trying to see if I can get hardy LPS to thrive so.. that's about the extend of my knowledge. But what I can say is, maybe it's the color that's throwing us all off? Seems to me that the formation of the tentacles and the shapes of the ends tell a pretty clear story that it's a Hammer. But I've been wrong before and I know I'll be wrong again.

I think, if you have THIS and you also have a Frogspawn in the same tank and answering a question about what it is compared to others and your answer is the difference between whether or not you get lucky with a girl, then tell her one is a hammer and one is a frogspawn. :)
..also... Can you get 'hybrid' corals? I mean, we see hybrid things in the natural world all the time. In fact, I was at an agricultural meeting this week and they were discussing an issue that Cattle and dairy farmers are facing in the state with people's dogs mating with native coyotes and timber wolves and creating hybrid dogs/wolves that are attacking livestock. We buy hybrid fish all the time.. but corals? I've never heard of it, but that by no means is any indication that it doesn't exist. I think if there IS such a thing, or someone's figured it out, they need to call me because they are in a position to make a lot of $$$$ and I want in!
100%hydrophylic;979715 wrote: I dont really think these weird euphyllia are actually any kind of hybrid. There are many different species of euphyllia, but in general hobbyist clump them into three categories (frogspawn, hammers, torch). This is why a lot of times people get some funky euphylia and no one really knows what to call it. its a species that is not the standard three.

I prefer the name hammer-spawn btw :p

so, you're saying that we can't irradiate some Hammers and expect it to then have the power of flight or X Ray vision..? rats.
Acroholic;979720 wrote: All kidding aside, I think it is a Hammer.


After zooming in on the picture more, it does look like a hammer. Just not very pronounced like some.
I say frogspawn with a hammer alter ego :)

Looks like the hammer-like tentacles will split and it will look more like a frogspawn. See second picture lower middle one "hammer" tentacle with two frogspawn nubs.
Or a hammer-spawn or frammer or frog hammer... Either way I am glad its healthy. I think happy euphyllia will suffice :)
It's just a normal frogspawn.
To my knowledge a "hammer" usually doesn't have more than one tip or branching tentacles. The picture posted above has both.

In the picture below you can see even the purple tipped hammer that resembles frogspawn only has 1 tip per tentacle and none of them branch
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JDavid;979828 wrote: It's just a normal frogspawn.
To my knowledge a "hammer" usually doesn't have more than one tip or branching tentacles. The picture posted above has both.

In the picture below you can see even the purple tipped hammer that resembles frogspawn only has 1 tip per tentacle and none of them branch
Most Hammers are that way, 1 tip per tentacle, but not all. Some branch into two tips, and some have the slight frogspawn appearance the OP posted about. For the OP's coral, the shape of the tips are what make it a Hammer, IMO, not the branching pattern.