Haninja light's

roland jacques

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I hear he is running 15K 175 Watts Iawasaki lamps, and they look good. Any idea what ballast he uses? or any Photos.
You like the way they look right? Ive never seen those lamps, but i do no i like the reeflux 12k on PFO ballast, i might have to try both.
Everything I have read about these bulbs basically says that they are really good and give off a clean white light, however if you power them with a Mercury vapor ballast or an e-ballast like an IceCap the par goes threw the roof... SanJay said these 175's on Icecap e-ballasts out performed almost all 250 hqi's...

Oh and good luck finding them in stock... anywhere
dawgdude;152670 wrote: Here is Hanin's tank with PAR readings.
that link says 14 K, not 15 K lamps???

Those numbers that sammy post are MUCH lower than what i read on some RC 15K post. i need to do more research on these 15 Ks.
The Iwasaki bulb is a 15K bulb that everyone labels 14K for some weird reason... they don't make a 14K and a 15K.
<span style="font-family: Verdana;">The bulbs are indeed Iwasaki 15Kk. I was quite surprised with the low PAR but I can attribute it to 3 factors: a) the bulbs are mounted high &#8211; 10&#8221; above water b) I&#8217;m using magnetic ballasts and c) spider reflectors. I like the color but not without actinic supplement. They had done wonders to my corals even with the relative low PAR. I believe Lee (glxtrix) is running them as well with lumen Bright reflectors and e-blast and is getting very good PAR. Check out his thread -
Unlike many other SE bulbs, the Iwasakis acheive better numbers when being run on electronic ballast. They will produce a bluish white spectrum that when tested actually came in at the rated 15k.