Having a Problem with Bubbles

miami dolfan

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I seem to have a lot of fine bubbles being fed through the sump return but don't understand why because there is very little water movement in the return area. Could it be the media bags causing the extra bubbles? I have them behind the sponge blocking the area under the bio balls. This is very frustrating because it gives the appearance of cloudy water. Please advise.
Possibly a leak in the return hose at a fitting somewhere letting a little air in?
I've been fighting this too since I changed to a DIY sump. Mine just arent fully dissipating in the baffles before hitting the return area. I finally seemed to have cured it with some pollyfill between the last two baffles beings my filter sponge between the first two isnt quite filtering the fine things or all of the microbubbles :(
Post up a pic if you can. I had to deal with bubbles for a long time before I had to re-engineer my sump.

BTW...it's nice to see another fellow Dolphin fan! Go fins!
I didn't think I had to do anything to it because I bought it from a pet store. What a difference in a football team when you have different coaching. GO FINS!!!!