Having Babies!


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Today I found an egg sack stuck the base of my finger leather coral. I am a little shocked since I have a saddleback clown, true percula clown, sixline wrasse, and a lemonpeel angelfish. Is it possible for the two clowns to have mated and lay eggs? The sack is about a centimeter or centimeter and a half in size. Last night the saddleback clown was sitting in the leather, which I have never seen him do before. All day today both the clowns are hovering over the leather rather than roaming around the tank as normal.
Tanner86;42019 wrote: Today I found an egg sack stuck the base of my finger leather coral. I am a little shocked since I have a saddleback clown, true percula clown, sixline wrasse, and a lemonpeel angelfish. Is it possible for the two clowns to have mated and lay eggs? The sack is about a centimeter or centimeter and a half in size. Last night the saddleback clown was sitting in the leather, which I have never seen him do before. All day today both the clowns are hovering over the leather rather than roaming around the tank as normal.

who's who? If the percula is the male, then it wouldn't suprise me that he's not fanning the eggs... perc males are notoriously lousy at fanning the eggs because they're too busy trying to "love on" their mate... :)

if the saddleback is the male, he would likely be close to the eggs at all times, fanning them w/ his fins and such. The description of the eggs does not sound like clown eggs, the eggs should be in a number of "rows" and not in a sack.

A picture would help alot here if you can get one...
I will try to get a pic for you. The sack is brown/aburn color and only one sack. I am not sure of the genders of the clown fish. I thought they were both males by the way they constantly fight with each other. Harmless fighting though, mostly two kids bickering kind of fighting. I just got the lemonpeel angel two days ago. Could she possibly laid the eggs?
I am at a loss for what it might be. Guess I will wait until it hatches and see. Thanks
Tanner86;42054 wrote: I am at a loss for what it might be. Guess I will wait until it hatches and see. Thanks

I agree with LD, probably snail eggs of some kind. They may never hatch, but I'd keep a close eye on them to see what comes out if they do.
They hatched today. Many, Many tiny white, what look like microscopic starfish. They have a central white disk with multiple projections, which look all connected in a web-like structure.
Here are the pics. You can see the sack quite well, but the the tiny white specks all over my glass might not show up. I have cropped one pic of the white specks so you can somewhat visualize what is on the glass. There are dozens of white specks all over the glass. They are so small you can barely see them just looking into the tank. Hope this helps with any identification. Thanks
Trying pics again
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Are you sure that is an egg sack? It kind of looks like valonia sp. to me!
I was just at Marine Fish and they informed me that the white specks were copepods. That didn't even occur to me. As for the sack, what is a valonia sp.?
Tanner86;42292 wrote: I was just at Marine Fish and they informed me that the white specks were copepods. That didn't even occur to me. As for the sack, what is a valonia sp.?

it is a type of macro algae, a nuisance one...
It was macroalgae. I spent all night researching the type of algae and took all the LR out of the tank and rinsed them in saltwater. I also had to rinse off many of my corals. The tank is looking great and everything is opening beautifully now. Thanks for the help.
no problem, the diversity of life in our tanks can be astounding... i still have a lot to learn about all the different critters you can find in aquaria!

hope the valonia doesn't come back and best of luck w/ your tank!
The little white specks with arms are crawling hydromedusae, in the species Staurocladia oahuensis most likely. They're common in tanks and not a problem they eat tiny lil pods.