Heat Wave and reverse photo period

Michael, you might be better off just turning your thermostat down a little bit. The extra cost of running the a/c longer for the next month or so this heat wave will last, seems to be cheaper than buying a chiller. Chillers also will raise your electric bill, so any savings you see from keeping a 78* temp in the house would be offset by the cost to run the chiller. Then, everyone in the house gets to appreciate the extra cost of keeping your tank cool.

Of coarse, leaving the thermostat where it is, and buying the chiller gives you a piece of equipment you get to keep, and probably a better investment as a tangable good (the chiller) is most always a better investment than a serive provided (extra electrical cost of running a/c)

Just something to consider.
u know what i would did if it didnt come with the house. my tank is down stairs. and also kinda ironic the ac system for downstairs is the most effecient along with heater so i would say save the cost and wait till ur ac starts not working well and just change it with the best and most exp. it is well worth it. the guy who we got the house from said he saved $50 a month from this and paid itself off in the first 2 years. also it will be easier to tell ur significant other to agree.
or u can make saltwater icecubes and put them in ur tank. there are many ways.
I tried the frozen bottles of water idea using 1 liter bottles of water in my sump one weekend before it got too hot. Two bottles lasted less than half an hour. Since there's no one at home to swap out bottles during the week I just gave up on that idea. My wife thinks it's a bad idea to get a chiller too even though she went with me to price them locally. I'm going to lower the AC to 75 degrees for the next few days and see how it affects the temp but if I'm not satisfied I'll probably get the chiller.
There is no need to keep the temp anywhere lower than 82. I keep it at 85 for summer months, and 83 at winter (400w of heaters).