Hello! Nice to meet you!


New Member
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Augusta GA

Introduction: Hello, my name is Anna (aka Wools).
I am super new to the hobby and live in Augusta. Funny enough I got into the hobby for Sea Monkeys. I bought a Nassarius Snail (Hammond) to clean up after them, but when their population eventually crashed I had a 2.5 gallon tank with a single snail. So, I bought a Blue Legged Hermit (Brock) and an Astraea Snail (Kevin) to keep him company and they've been living together happily for about 8 months now. However, as you can see from the photo I can really only grow hair algae... but it looks kinda like grass so I'm rolling with it. lol (Also the Amphipods and Copepods love it)
Hopes for the Future: I'm currently saving up for a 32 BioCube and when I do I really hope to have a Macro/Sponge tank with Inverts. I know it's a little ambitious for someone only managing to grow Hair algae at the moment, but I am hopefully and look forward to sharing my wins and losses with you all in the future!

Call for Conversation: If anyone knows anything about sponges I'd love to hear anything you know. I've tried to look online but I can mostly find the surface level "Don't take them out of the water" info, but nothing in depth about their care, habits, or tips/tricks. 🤓 I want to know more.​
Welcome. What’s the overall goal with that tank?
For the 2.5 Gallon I hope I can use it as a future quarantine tank for the 32 BioCube.
For the 32 BioCube I really hope to explore filter feeders and inverts. I really want to keep a variety of sponges, Feather Dusters, Macros, and eventually I want to be good enough to care for a Christmas Tree Rock, Sea Apples, and if I can eventually get a big enough set up I wanna try a Medusa Worm :D. I think freshwater fish are better, but when it comes to inverts saltwater is the best without question. They are what I find most fascinating their colors, variety, and feeding habits are so surreal. I want to learn all I can about them.

What about you? Do you have a particular part of the hobby that fascinates you?