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Hi. I am new to this forum but think it is great. I'd love to come to club meetings but I'm not in Atlanta. I am in Opelika, Alabama.

A little history: I am a long-time reef keeper and freshwater aquarium keeper/breeder, but have not had a reef tank in almost 15 years. I got rid of my last one when my wife and I were young, poor, and starting a family.

I'm currently building a reef tank with some 5th graders after spending the whole school year studying all things water related and the critters that live in water.

It has been some very great lessons and a lot of fun to do with kids. Their enthusiasm for even little things is remarkable. We began by building our own rock (arogocrete and oystercrete). We made some great looking stuff and even made water passages through it to hide the overflow and returns to and from the sump. The large pieces of rock are currently curing in a creek behind the school (over a month now) and the smaller pieces are in toilet tanks throughout the school. (Constant water changes):up:

We are building a square tank 28"X28"X17" that will be viewable from all sides and from the top (perfect for a classroom). I have built a lot of tanks and getting the class involved in this one is fun too.

I plan on letting this project be a multi-year project as we have no budget for it. This year's class will get to build the tank, rock, and possibly set up the sump, plumbing, lights, (a dad of one of my students gave me $110 toward lights) and fill it up with saltwater and crete-rock. Next year we'll add protein skimmer and some living stuff. We plan to seed it with whatever rubble and sand we can scrounge from PetCo and a guy I know locally with a reef tank. Hopefully we'll see some coralline and other goodies start to show up on our homemade rock as the 2011-2012 school year progresses. If anyone is interested in seeing this project (slowly) progress, perhaps I'll post photos as we go.

At any rate I look forward to being a part of the discussions here.


Welcome! I drive through there regularly (my in-laws are in Montgomery), and another of our Mods lives in Auburn.

Nice to have you!

(moved to new member Q&A)
Welcome CW!

I, as well as others here, have a soft spot in my heart for anyone teaching school kids about nature and fish tanks. Yep, I had a couple of teachers just like you along the way. They made a big difference in my life, as you are/will. So I will say thank you right here.

Anything you need other than a skimmer?

28 x 28 x 17 = 58 gallons

Can you post some pic's? I think it will get more people interested.
I'm betting if you post a wish-list, folks will make it happen. We have been helping with other schools like Marinecurious who is a middle school teacher that took on the endeavor herself. Now she has a 72 bow front with live rock, beautiful sump, skimmer, and even a ro/do unit she won at the February frag meet. We periodicaly visit, test, donate and teach about what we are doing and I love it! That is just one story and I'm sure there are more.
We're all ears...
I'll be happy to give you some live rubble... no telling what kind of unwanted thingies you could get from rock out of a chain pet store.
I've got about 20lbs of rock that is no longer live that you are more than welcome to have. If you pay shipping, I will be glad to send it to you. I'm always up for helping a good cause!
I would be happy to give some beautiful live rock I just received. How about another 20lbs? That total should be enough for your display and some for the fuge. People are giving away live and dead sand all the time on here...hint, hint?
Wow! This is about the warmest welcome I have ever gotten anywhere, much less on an internet forum! Thank you so much! I am very, very grateful for all the offers and would be crazy to turn them down, but at this point I don't really have a tank even set up for saltwater. As I said earlier, my plan was to build this over time (months to a year) as we were able to do things ourselves or purchase equipment. Our current setup is a freshwater tank full of cichlids that we have bred over the last year and a half. The plan is to build the 28X28 and use a 29 gallon tank for a sump. If you all are not in hurry to get rid of this rock and rubble I will gladly drive to pick it up when we are up and running. If you all need to get rid of this stuff soon, I suppose I can "temporarily" set the 29 up for the rock and use a 10 gallon as a sump.

These kids are awesome and will be very excited about all this. They are hard-working and really enjoy our study of water, benthic creatures, and nektonic creatures. I'd love to have time to share all the neat things they have done this year but let me just tell you this one...

Last year a parent sent me an email about an essay contest sponsored by Drs. Foster and Smith and Tetra. The contest was open to third and fourth graders from around the country. The goal was to write a 400 word persuasive essay on why the class should win a fully stocked aquarium for their classroom and tickets to a major public aquarium. I went to our third and fourth graders and asked them if they wanted to enter. They did! They asked me how much time they had to write the essay and that's when I told them the catch. I got the email the day before the contest deadline. They had one day. They freaked out a little but still wanted to try. I got my fifth graders to split up and teach them some of the things they had learned about water quality and fish habits, habitat, and behaviors. The kids all wrote the essays and some other students and I picked the best one from each class to submit. A few weeks went by and finally I got a call from Terri at Foster and Smith. Terri said they had to go back and examine the rules to see if there was any rule against the same school winning in both grades - there wasn't! Both our third and fourth grade classes won! Both classes got loaded aquariums, and Tetra even sweetened the deal by giving us not only tickets to the Georgia Aquarium but a behind the scenes tour, 4-D movie, free parking, and 39 meal vouchers! It was a fantastic field trip. I take the 5th graders every year, but this was an especially good trip.

I will try to get some photos posted tomorrow to show you the rock they have made and I will post some photos of the tank build as it progresses.

Thanks everyone.

I'm sure what ever you need will be available as you're ready for it! Good luck.
Awesome story and I can't wait to see how far this goes.
When are you planning to start the tank and get it cycled?

I'll go out on a limb and say that we should be able to get you a skimmer.

My plan prior to posting on this site two days ago was to do this very slowly over several months. Primarily because I have no budget. I told my students that they would not get to see anything live in the tank but they would have the benefit of participating in the build; constructing the tank, doing plumbing, setting up sump, and making base rock. We even planned to do DIY saltwater - partially for the educational experience and partially to save money.

I was going to be happy if we were able to get the tank set up with saltwater, aragocrete, and a seed of live sand and/or rubble by the end of the school year. I live less than a 1/2 mile from the school so I can easily maintain it during the sumer. They were OK with that but asked if they could do a fundraiser to come up with $ to buy the saltwater supplies we needed to get some rock in it. I'm thinking of changing directions now though and setting up a 29 for them, then letting next year's 5th graders do the build.

I had not planned on asking for donations from ARC but was mainly hoping to seek advice and share the build-along with you. You all have been so kind and generous.

So you will be needing a skimmer for the 29, I assume? (and sooner rather than later)
What a great story.I love children and watching them learn is the best,heck I have 5 kids.When its cycled hit me up and I can give you some mushrooms,three different types!And welcome!
Thank you all again for the welcomes!

Ichthyoid - It looks like I am heading in that direction. I talked with my students today about this discussion and they were as floored as I am! They are VERY excited about the prospect of actually getting some live rock this year and were OK with leaving the 28X28 build for next year's fifth graders (as long as they could help).

They talked me into beginning a repair on a leaky 10 gallon tank that we can use for our sump. Is it possible that the protein skimmer could fit in the 10 gallon tank?

I have some pics to post, but my preview of this post displayed them way too big. Any advice on what size pictures should be resized to?

Welcome! And no need to wait on anything due to budget. We have many members with garage's full of "spare" equipment that Im fairly certain can be donated to your cause. Just be very specific in what you need and when you need it and I am sure the membership can come to action.

equipment, sand, fish, corals........just tell us what is needed.
Sounds like you could use a larger tank.I don't have one but there is plenty of members who would love to donate one.
I feel a little awkward about this. I have only 4 posts on here and I don't want to look like a beggar.

Here is what I presently have:
29 gallon tank
10 gallon tank for sump
floating hydrometer
700 gph powerhead
A bag of "live sand" aragonite from Petco
$110 for light

What I need to get started:
live rock
protein skimmer
real live sand
test kits

Wish list (what I'd like to have):
Through-glass fittings to route plumbing through drilled bottom of tank
plumbing including a one-way valve to prevent syphoning
timer for powerhead
eventually some easy to keep corals and fish

Y'all are a great community of folks!

I love your story!!! I'm a middle school science teacher. I teach an informal marine biology class to 6-8 graders. I am clueless about reefkeeping, so finding this club has been a Godsend!! I have also been overwhelmed by the generosity and help offered here. I wish your 5th graders could come to my middle school and teach me something:) I will definitely enjoy following your progress and to contribute when possible.