help a newbie with brand new lighting....


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first of all sorry for all my crazy question threads this morning.

ok I am looking to get some lighting for my 30 gal. tank.....i love the blue look and i would like to get some anemonies and maybe just a few cheap corals and things.

would is a good but CHEAP lighting set up i can find at a LFS that is pretty simple to set up???

again i know NOTHING about lighting so u will prob. have to be pretty in depth with ur suggestions. again sorry guys i am just new at the coral stuff
i mean to be honest i dont even know what lighting cost i would like to stay under 50???

cause for all i know all i need is a light bulb so im thinking 50 for a light bulb is good right haha seriously i really have no clue about any of it?
you can use the workhorse ballast

someone with more knoladge should be able to elaborate.
i mean i can spend whatever i have extra money i just would like to stay as cheap as i can
i dont know right off hand but it is the typical 29 gallon starter kit tank that u can buy from walmart.........i bought it a while ago as a starter kit came with filter and heater and all that and i never used it so i upgraded the filter and heater and now use it as a salt water i am assuming it is a typical 29 gallon tank dimension may be on wal-marts website if u can find it. Im at work right now so really dont have alot of time to search for them sorry.

<span style="font-family: Arial;">30 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 18 3/4

i think those are right
If u go to ebay u can get a cheap T-5 setup that would work fine for a little while
29gal = 30x12x18
30gal = 36x12x16

Alot of people call a 29 a 30... that's why I was asking.
I have a 36" fixture I was going to offer up, but it wont do much good on a tank too short. :)
whats is a tank is a 29 gallon tank not a 30.

so your 36 inch set up would not work on my tank right??

if i buy a T5 im just buying the light and fixture it goes in right? I dont need a new tank lid or fans or anything do i?
jaydm93teg;81679 wrote: ok I am looking to get some lighting for my 30 gal. tank.....
jaydm93teg;81708 wrote: my tank is a 29 gallon tank not a 30.

so your 36 inch set up would not work on my tank right??

Right... the fixture I have is 36" so it would not work on your tank.

(btw, I'm not being critical... I just was making sure that I knew what you were talking about before I tried to talk like I knew what I was talking about :) )
haha yeah i know what u were saying i always say 30 but in this case i guess i need to start being exact since the dimensions are that much diff. thanks for the info.

so what about that T5 question i had