I have a Blue Star male and female leopard wrasse and Blue Flasher Wrasse in a 29 bio cube QT BB, salinity 1.22 pos, No2, 3 ok. Haven't had time for other tests.
The female I've had for nine days. I've done one week of treatment with Prazipro, large water change (30- 40%) and started a second round of Prazi treatment three days ago.
Fish appeared fine yesterday a.m. Took mom for surgery at 6AM. Had unfortunate complications didn't get back until late last night. Returned home briefly to fed all fish and thought both Wrasse appeared healthy and ate. Only viewed fish briefly as mom began having a allergic reaction (assumedly from the surgery anesthesia). Entire night in ER, now 18 hours later (just returned) female is laying on her side next to PVC with labored breathing. Up until today she has been eating and healthy in appearance.
No responce to food or lighting, started swimming on her side upside down.
No visual signs of illness, she looks beautiful but it appears she is dying quickly.
I've added 3 mg of Alpha Aquavitro & carbon. I don't know what else I can do?
I have metro and many other medications any suggestions or help???
I have limited amount of time available, obviously mom is the priority here. However if there's anything I can do, I will!!
The female I've had for nine days. I've done one week of treatment with Prazipro, large water change (30- 40%) and started a second round of Prazi treatment three days ago.
Fish appeared fine yesterday a.m. Took mom for surgery at 6AM. Had unfortunate complications didn't get back until late last night. Returned home briefly to fed all fish and thought both Wrasse appeared healthy and ate. Only viewed fish briefly as mom began having a allergic reaction (assumedly from the surgery anesthesia). Entire night in ER, now 18 hours later (just returned) female is laying on her side next to PVC with labored breathing. Up until today she has been eating and healthy in appearance.
No responce to food or lighting, started swimming on her side upside down.
No visual signs of illness, she looks beautiful but it appears she is dying quickly.
I've added 3 mg of Alpha Aquavitro & carbon. I don't know what else I can do?
I have metro and many other medications any suggestions or help???
I have limited amount of time available, obviously mom is the priority here. However if there's anything I can do, I will!!