Help! I have no idea what is going on with my RBTA!


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Ok so my rbta is relising this white stuff in the tank and it's making the water slightly cloudy. When it comes out of the anemome it looks like when you add a chemical and it hasn't yet mixed into the water. I'm about to do a 10% water change. IS this some sort of spawning?
Thanks Diane
only a of 2 things.....spawning, which I doubt....or it's regurgitating... they only have one means of input and export :)

has it just eaten?
no it hasn't eaten since sunday which is when I bought it from Purplegorilla (a member on this sight) I have no idea what is going on... the fish don't seem to mind. IF it is regergitating will this harm the tank? God, I'm so confused! The tank is getting more and more cloudy and the water change isn't helping!!
ahhhhh, I haven't a clue......I hate anenome's and will not put them in my tanks..they killed alot of my corals claiming their territory...

I would say water change is in order
I just did a 10% water change and it isn't helping. THis white stuff has been coming out for about 10 min and now I can barly see the bottem of my tank! I've heard too big of a water change can cuase your tank to cycle... how big of a water change do you suggest?
can you pull the thing out of there and put it in a holding or QT tank?
Mine did this and it turned out to be fine. Mine "smoked" for almost a full hour.
how big is your tank? 10% isn't much of a water change......I would do 50 % or more..

maybe someone lse can chime in...
Ok I looked on google and it came up with a youtube video of an anemone spawnig. I think that may be what it is ... but I really don't trust youtube. That was the only thing I found so I guess that it's spawning... Will that harm the fish? (breeding pair of ocellaris clowns and a fire fish)
Just saw this post. Its fine. It does that every once in a while..It will actually cloudy up the water and usually last about an hour. I wouldn't even worry about changing the water.
purpleGORILLA;215978 wrote: Just saw this post. Its fine. It does that every once in a while..It will actually cloudy up the water and usually last about an hour. I wouldn't even worry about changing the water.
ok thanks, I was getting worried! could you Pm me you phone number again because I wrote it down someware and I lost the sheet of paper. Plus my pms were filled because my friend is now on this site (she caught the saltwaterfish adiction from me and is now trying to gather as much info possible to convince her mom to help her pay for the tank.) so instead of email we just used this sight. So I deleted all of my pms which was a stupid thing to do. Any way could you please pm me your phone number so I could call you about the green brain?
Thanks, Diane
that's pretty normal. It won't harm anything. I wouldn't worry about it.
It happens all the time with BTAs. Very common and it just means yours is healthy.