HELP i need help


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i just came home and my tank is super cloudy dose any one have a mechanical filter or skimmer for a 40g tank on the north side of town please help
I'd run some carbon asap. I have a skimmer that was used in my wet/dry bioball setup. I'm sure you could rig it up the corner of your tank somehow. hit me up 6782327193

Do the HOB and Carbon.

I had a similar problem, changed 30% water it sorted itself out, not sure what was causing it.
must be that large fire shrimp you got last night. I think i should take it off your hands
lol no its my POS anemone he got in my power head and he is dieing do he is droping **** everywhere
if any one is in the oakwood area and has anything they can lone me please let me know i really don't want to loose all my stuff
Delloman;327898 wrote: if any one is in the oakwood area and has anything they can lone me please let me know i really don't want to loose all my stuff

Im in Flowery branch and have a HOB penguin you can borrow you would just need to get filter cartridges. Its not much but if you need it Ill be happy to let you borrow it.
If it was me I wouldn't try doing a whole bunch of things at once. If you are sure the anenome is dead, get it out of the tank, do a water change and run your HOB filter with carbon and a sponge. In an hour or so check and clean/rinse the sponge. Check for ammonia and if it starts to climb then do another water change. If there are any good sized pieces with tentacles, they may survive so if you have any, leave it in the tank and keep an eye on it.
i got a small in tank skimmer its not working to well yet but we will see i am going to clean the sponge
Darn, sorry guy!!!!!!!

Huge water change, and a magum canister filter would help.Aklso, if you wanted to try chemical filteration, I think Seachem's CLARIFY could be of use...

Very sorry to hear this
thanks i got a lee' protein skimmer for it it's not working very good tho so i dont know i am also washing the filters about every hour o so which is helping