Help!! Is he dying??


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Gonna try to make this short... Please help!
We bought a Florida Condi Anemonea yesterday, he's cream with pink tips...
We came home and got him in the tank and he looked GREAT! All of today he looked fine and even ate some krill and some pellets that floated his way. I just walked in there 5 seconds ago and it looks like someone popped him! He's all deflated, still moving some tentacles, but most are shrivled looking, and there was a brown goo that came out of him.. What's going on? Is he dying? I tried giving him another bit of krill just now and he grabbed it, but really slowly.

Please, what do I do??
First off, I would relax. This is perfectly normal. All five of my anemones do this on a regular basis. It has expelled the water from the tank before. It will inflate again in time. The brown stuff you saw coming out was and anemones way of using the bathroom. If you catch my drift. Best of luck to ya. I think you'll be fine...
WHEW! Thanks so much for replying so quick! I was debating on scooping him out before he hurt any other tankmates... He's our first try at coral again...our last 60 dollar coral died the very day we brought it home and stank up the whole house (we didn't know he was dead...again, rookies). So we didn't buy any more for quite a while (3 years!).

Again, thank you so much!!
There are much hardier corals to start out with... Some are just plain HARD to kill :). Anemones tend to be on the more fragile side, but best of luck!
A lot of people start out with mushrooms, zoas, and softies. I've heard chocolate chip stars aren't reefsafe, though.
It's a 55 gal with 48" compact light with 2 65 watt Actinic lights and 2 65 watt/ 10,000 k compact florescent lamps. We can move the cc star out of there if we need to.
Bryan's suggestions are spot on for what you should start with. Mushroom corals known also as disc anemones are interesint/colorful and are darn hard to kill. They also don't like a lot of light so they should do fine with your PC lights. Zoanthids are fine as well, and as for other softies I'd recommend GSP and pulsating xenia. Those two softies are like the kudzoo of the marine world, hard to kill and they grow very well :p. If you're ever in the north atlanta area send me a PM, I've always got spare pom pom xenia and GSP you can have.