help!!! mercury!!!

danny thanks for coming by bro. really appreciate your help and input.
well my fish seem to be okay, just a little skidish. the corals...I lost about half and and gonna try to keep half in rehab and see if they live.
hi jade sorry the problem whit corals.

I have some experince in mercury marine pollution. But the problem that you corals death maybe electric shok, but not think the mtalic mercury to killed you corals.
I am very worry for it. i can give for you some coral . i have some soft corals
I like to help to you :fish:
im gonna try and work with the suncoral. and yea, Im looking at electricity being the primary cause of the devistation to the tank. Ive contacted the manufactures and they are interested in seeing the broken heater....we"ll see what happens......
Here's your test results from the sample after the water change tonight using API's tests, Seachem Magnesium test, and a calibrated refractometer.

SG: 1.025
pH: 8.4
KH: 10dKH
Ca: 360ppm
Mg: 1125ppm
NH3: Not detectable
NO2: Not detectable
NO3: Not detectable
PO4: Not detectable

Go ahead and do the next water change tomorrow and then worry about bumping your magnesium and calcium.
thanks bro, I used the same kits and got the same results ....but yah, Ill follow thru with the water changes tommorow.....thanks for everything again.
I hope everything works out for you. It was sad to see what happened to all your corals. Good luck with cleaning up the tank and w/the company that made your heater. Hopefuly they will work with you.
You should be running a poly filter to pull the copper (and other metals) from your system.
UPDATE......I am using a large amount of carbon to help extract toxins and metals from the water..I have accomplished a 50% 30% and another 50% waterchange in a 2 day period...I removed all of the casulties from the tank. All the fish seem fine, and I have a few selected corals that are showing SLOW recouping.. only time will tell in this situation....I contacted the manufactuer of the heater, and they are having me send it in for investigation..they say after they examine the heater, that they MIGHT reimburse me for the shipping to them....and a they will consider such for the loss of life in the tank ....I doubt any of that will happen but keep your fingers crossed that they ...AT LEAST PAY FOR WHAT THEIR PRODUCT DID TO MY TANK.. is there a lab where I can send a water sample to for CHEAP and get an accurate assesment on my water parameters including metals???????
Polyfilters turn blue in the presence of copper.

PM mysterybox and ask him about AWT. They're a water testing company he uses.