Help moving a Huge tank


Contest Committee Lead
Contest Committee
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Under the sea
Hello everyone. Im asking for a few helping hands to move @brandonmason big 650g tank. Tentative moving date is the upcoming weekend; Saturday May 1st... but a potential backup weekend May 15th. (May 8th weekend is unavailable).

The tank is acrylic, and i hear is pretty easy with even just a handful of people.
Also, id like to inquire as to suction cup rental. Who has them currently? @Billldg @jcook54
I have them in my hot little hands. I'll work out getting them to you. I will not be available May 1st however but we'll work something out.
Honestly 4-6 strong guys can lift it straight up and down onto dollies and suctions won't be necessary.
Where is the tank located? I'll have to check with the wife but I may be able to help out.
Where are you located? If possible, I will try to be there and I will bring my bigger suction cups in case. I meet with Justin and gave him the clubs suction cups, but I have the one's I bought which have a 250 lb limit each.
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If it gets moved to the backup date I could lend a hand. I'm out of town this weekend.
My only advice is to make sure to sure measure the door to make sure it fits...... ask me how I learned that little trick
Good morning guys. Yes, his tank is in Aragon and it would be moved to Johns creek.
I should be able to help on May 1. When you say Aragon, are you referring to North of Rockmart?
Ill shoot you all the address privately. So that we can coordinate.

Im coordinating a few other big things over the next couple days, but try to gather all the info for you by tonight or tomorrow.
Thats complicated. We dont have the house yet. Meanwhile, my friend agreed to let us store in his basement.