HELP! My Serpent Star is losing legs....


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I have had a Serpent Star for about a month now with no problems. He was (until yesterday) in a 14 gallon (he is small) biocube with a clown, two blue Damsels, a few nerite and nessarius (spelling?) snails, 3-4 small blue-leg hermit crabs, 2 sexy shrimp, and 1 Scarlet hermit. The problem is, four days ago, I noticed one of my starfish's arm was missing; otherwise he seemed to be okay. Yesterday, I moved him along with the other fish from the Biocube, into my 75 gallon, which already plays host to 1 Scarlet Hermit, 2 blue-leg hermits, and 2 False percula Clowns. I dripped the star for 1.5 hours (which is what I did when I first brought him home) and this morning, he has a half of arm left! In the picture I attached, you can clearly see this and toward the right front of the picture, a trail of arm pieces in the sand. :***: My perameters are as follows in the 75 gallon:

Nitrates / Nitrites: Between 0 and 0.5
Specific Gravity : 1.025
PH : 8.5
Temp : 79-81 (over 24 hour windows)
Phos. : 0.5 (down from 1.5 a week ago...dunno why so high)
Calcium : 490ppm
Lighting : 18" deep, 48" long tank; 216 watts T-5 HO plus reflectors & 12 watt lunars. White lights on for 6 hours/day, blue 16hours, lunar, 7hrs.

I also have 60-65 pounds live rock and 80 pounds of sand. With the exception of my starfish, everything is doing VERY well. :thumbs: I really like this little guy and don't know if he is doomed or if I can save him...also how to prevent this from occuring again. Sorry such a long post.
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Looks like he's shedding them. I think they do this as a result of stress. Your params look pretty good, so I don't know if a water change would help, but when in doubt that's what I always default to. He could be getting picked on by something, but not sure.
They can and likely will grow back. I took home a "hub" once (5 short stubs) and they grew back. That one had shed its legs in shipping.

I don't think I'd suggest a water change - more parameter shifts may stress it further.

These stars are pretty tough (as opposed to some of the more sensitive species) - as long as nothing is picking on him and he manages to stay fed, he should be able to regenerate those legs.

Thank you for the input thus far! My 75 gallon has hardly any algea at all. That said, what should I feed my starfish? Will they eat silversides? I also have to find something to feed my snails and crabs... :unsure:
So I just -literally- watched my starfish break off one of his own arms and then wriggle away as the arm lay there squirming. :sad: I guess this rules out one of my fish or crabs is harming him...I feel bad b/c I have NO idea what to do for him...he is essentially now a squirming nub. I placed a very small piece of silverside directly beneath him and he wanted nothing to do with it. Thank you all for your input on this; I am afraid I might lose him soon though. :shout:
Thank you all for the advice! I went out yesterday and bought some Cyclopse-Eeze and Microplex (Kent). I soaked a little piece of silverside in garlic and Cyclopse and tried to get him to eat; unfortunately, he died last night. :sad: I really like the starfish, but I'm thinking I should maybe wait a wihle before getting another one. I don't kow what I did wrong and I really don't want to kill anything else in my tank.