Help needed: Feeding Dragon Goby


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My Dragon Goby is getting thin. I have had the fish for about a month, and I thought the sand bed and live rock was suffeciently aged to support the fish. It was fine for the first few weeks and seemed to do a great job sifting my sand and rock, may be too good a job. Unfortunately, I can not get it to accept frozen foods of any kind. I have tried Mysis, Brine Shrimp, Cyclopeze, etc... tried target feeding him with a baster and also a tube to sink food down to him. Nothing seems to work. I am concerned that he will starve while I am trying to figure out how to get him interested in alternative foods. I have a lot of Copepods in a 10G tank I had set up for isolating with no one in the tank, so I am swapping live rock between the 10 and the 70G for now to try and get some more pods in the tank. I think my Flame Angel is getting most of the copepods before the Dragon Goby gets a chance at them. Short of setting up a refugium in my tank (or sump) which I am currently trying to figure out how to do, any other short term options I can try? I've got a 24" sump holding my skimmer, uv and return pump, so not a lot of room down there right now. Thanks for any advice.
I have had my dragon goby for about 6 years, and he eats the Nutrafin flake food that I buy at Petsmart.
Hey Bob, that your tried live foods like Tigger Pods or Mysis shrimp?
Put the pods in the tank at night when the lights are out. This helps them escape the hoard.
Thanks, are Tigger Pods available in any LFS in the Atlanta area?
Sam over at Aquabuys is the only place I know that has them (But call him to make sure he has a bottle for you)...

Pretty soon, There MIGHT be a certain someone here locally that cultures all that good stuff, if the demand is there.

If you need some Mysis, I might be able to pull you out some if you are going to Aquabuys anyways. I am only about 1.5 miles from Aquabuys.
Brandon, thanks.... I'll try Sam and appreciate the offer, will let you know how I make out.
It looks like Cap Bay will be getting some in on Thursday so I will be able to get them this week, FINALLY got the goby to accept some frozen brine shrimp so I am optimistic that I can keep him going while I set up a fuge in my 70G tank. If anybody has any Chaeto they can donate to get me started it would be appreciated! I'll be at the meeting tomorrow night. thanks!
Do dragin goby's need to be fed in addition to the nutrition they get off the sand?

Mine will eat flake food when I put it in the tank but definitey doesnt get anywhere near as much as every other fish in, I dont feed flakes but 2-3x a the rest of the time he is only getting his nutrition from the sand....
Mine eats any food I put into the tank.

Have you tried pellet or flake food? Mine loves both, especially going after the pellets after they hit the sand bed.
Yes, tried pellets and flake. This guy is picky. I have been able to entice him with frozen brine shrimp, but only when I target feed him under his favorite rock. I am hoping that as he gets more accustomed to the frozen he will adapt to an easier feeding regiment! (not sure I can convince my wife to spend 30mins a day trying to feed this guy when I am away)... and thanks for the correction on the meeting, would have been a long ride to Alpharetta for nothing! See you guys next week. Jin - sent PM, thanks!
bobz, not sure if this will help or not...and sounds like you should have a fuge setup soon so maybe not.

This guy uses mason jars and scrub bads to culture pods. He had a project to have a mandarin in a 10g nano. I seem to recall his experiment ending in failure for the fish, but had no problems growing pods on the scrubbies.

Pretty cool idea (for growing pods, not a mandarin in a nano). Others may have seen this as well.

Loren - Thanks for the info.. pretty cool link. My Dragon did not make it, RIP. I think he was probably too far gone and I couldn't entice him early enough to make a difference. I'll be holding off on any new additions utill I get a fuge set up and running for about six months... hate losing a fish like that.
I've had mine for a year and he likes mysid shrimp soaked in garlic guard. I feed him that every other day and he is the first at the top of the tank.