No, fish are dying but not all, not quickly, haven’t added any new fish in over a month but did add a clam maybe 2 weeks ago and did not QT it.
First mandarin goby died after being very lethargic for about 4 days. Tried to get help with it but they aren’t very amenable to QT or meds. No spots on body, did try a FW dip but nothing came off of it after 5 minutes and I ended it because the fish was extremely stressed.
Then the file fish started acting strange. Same thing, eating well but not as active as usual and was laying on its side this morning. Everything else was fine when I went into the hospital and yesterday (I haven’t been up there since Monday so haven’t laid my own eyes on anything) but when he went to check on file fish found our larger PJ cardinal dead. I was in the hospital so if it was acting weird we missed it. Husband is setting up a hospital tank now and
@Steve Burton was here and thought everything looked great, even file fish, but this is not this file fish’s normal behavior. Have no idea why pj cardinal died. Mandarin was pretty big when we got him, at least 2” so unsure of age but had plenty of pods to eat. Also don’t know how old pj cardinal is but much larger than the other one that is fine.
Tangs, clowns, gobies, blenny, wrasses, chromis all seem completely normal. No spots, no breathing issues, all are eating well, even the file fish. Multiple inverts and corals are fine including BTA and clam
Parameters an hour ago:
Ammonia 0 API
Nitrite 0 API
Nitrate ~30 API
TEMP 77.6 avg of all probes
pH 8.0 Red Sea
Sp Gr 1.026 handheld refractometer
Alk 7.5 Hanna
Phos .22 Hanna
Mag and Ca too tedious for me to do laying down lol.
Do not dose anything. Have chaeto refugium, skimmer and dual reactor carbon/GFO running.