So, turns out it is ich. Wish I had figured that out with the mandarin but was told they aren’t susceptible to it so put it to the side. My son with young eyes came over yesterday. He loves the reef tank, saw ich all over almost every fish and pointed it out to Tyler. Asked my friend
@hzheng33 who gave me a recommendation for a whole tank treatment. Tyler had to drive down to Chamblee to find it but Polyp Labs Medic was what Hui recommended and as I called all the lfs’s trying to find some they all agreed it was our best bet. Interestingly the tangs seem to be the least affected by it, Royal Gramma was loaded with it. I added an air stone to the tank to increase oxygenization and we gave the first dose last night after lights out and again this morning. Tyler said everyone is alive and well and eating this morning and he felt like the gramma had cleared up a lot. We shall see, have to give the Medic twice a day for minimum of 10 days, max 20 days. Any recommendations welcome. Maybe it would be best to treat for 14 days to be sure?