Help!! Nitrate's gone wild.


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:shout: I just checked my nitrates and the are in between 40-80ppm.:shout: What is the best way to safely get them down again? Please help poor little fish and corals at stake. :bash2:
Water changes will get them down but not solve the problem. You need to find out what caused them.
I would do a big water change. Maybe 25%? Then start looking for the culprit, i.e. dirty filter floss, dirty filter sock, etc.
What is the best way to find out what is causing this? And if I do a water change should it be a large one or not? I have only done two changes since I set the tank up. Everything had been testing good until this. All help needed and wanted.
I would suggest a couple of things...First..water changes, water changes, water changes..and frequently!!! I dont know your routine but I would suggest perhaps atleast 10% once a week. 5% twice a week would be even better. Second...are you using carbon? when do you change it? Using carbon and changing it about every 2-3 weeks is great practice...
I would stay AWAY from the big water changes...this can send corals into a nightmarish small frequent changes..
Do You have a refugium?If so adding chaetomorpha will help on the export of nitrates.I have read a little about dosing Vodka to bring them down also.Never tried it but from what I have read it works.Here is one of the threads RC about it.
I have never used carbon. How much water with the first change? Should I change about 50 gallons?
I run carbon 24/7.Change i about every 5-6 weeks.Oh are You running a skimmer?
I do have a refuguim. It is 30 gallons. I did have the cheato in there but my large cabe in there ate it and I also have some grape something in there to. Never thought of getting my fish drunk. Maybe I will try this if nothing else works.
When I first started this hobby my Nitrates where over 100ppm. I did 25% water changes every week for about 2 months and finally won the battle. But that was over 100ppm. One of the problems I had is that I was over feeding.
Also, you might want to check with a different test...if you are skimming, not over feeding, have a fuge, might just be a bad test.
LOL.The vodka wont affect Your fish.I think it is the sugars in the vodka that makess it work.Read the article and if You try it do it EXACTLY as they describe so you dont make things worse.
Listen to Jade76 and change 5-10 % weekly until it gets under control. Hopefully it is simply overfeeding. Nothing beats a good water change schedule. Dilution is the solution.
Do You keep a light over Your fuge?I keep mine lit 24/7.I had a small hair algae outbreak a few months back and started lighting it 24/7 and it died off over a few weeks.The macro in the fuge will outcompete the algae in the tank for nutrients thus killing it off.Oh how much live rock do You have?
Not sure on how much I think it is some where between 150 pound to 175. I know I need more but the money is a little tight right now.

How long does it take for the charcoal to work?