Help Now Yellow Tang Injury

How long have you had that tang? You say you've been feeding it twice a day.

Has it been eating twice a day and not gaining weight? If so, it may have an internal a parasite. I would put it on a regimen of Focus:Metronidazole:Mysis 1:1:tsp.

Praziquantel may work better, as it is effective on many worms, but ask Brandon on that one before you make a move. I've never had to run Prazzi.
i have metron, jamie will bring some garlic, mysis, and focus to give it a try.

the tang has been getting skinnier though and is breathing extremely hard.
i found a piece of sea weed in the powerhead that is why i think the yellow went there.
Have you tried Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Flakes? Those seem to work on everything and it is pretty cheap. You an also soak some mysis in Seachem Entice.
That's just plain piscine cruelty. That poor yellow tang is all bones :(. If you can't get it to eat properly, give it someone who can. If you ask nicely someone may get it healthy again for you out of pity for the poor thing.
i feed it ocean nutrition and last night she wedged her self in rocks and died.
Sorry to hear it. He could have had a parasite of some sort that prevented him from eating well.
yeah that sucks blind sorry for your lost......if it helps sal has them for 14 bucks at his shop they aare small but healthy little guys hope this helps
That's a good point...maybe Sal could bag one up and bring it back to this side of the planet for you.

Victor626nj;137677 wrote: yeah that sucks blind sorry for your lost......if it helps sal has them for 14 bucks at his shop they aare small but healthy little guys hope this helps
thanks but my dad and i decided this morning that i am going to wait 2 weeks then get a green goby and then 2 weeks later get another tang he said he might get me a 2in hippo or a yellow.
Next time you can see your fish's rib cage ask for help, that's just not a good sign. You may have been able to avoid this if you had acted sooner. My condolences to your loss.
FutureInterest;138162 wrote: Next time you can see your fish's rib cage ask for help, that's just not a good sign. You may have been able to avoid this if you had acted sooner. My condolences to your loss.
Agreed. I think this will be a great opportunity for you to learn. Personally, I doubt the fish died from the injury, but instead from its poor condition. If you look at its "back", you can easily see in the pictures it is not "meaty", but quite depressed and emaciated. You can actually see the spine and such. Despite what you say, this is not a conditon that occurs in a day or two. This fish is starved, and has been living off its own fats and muscle reserve.

I am not trying to deplore you, but instead, as mentioned, offer a good learning aspect. In nature tangs are ALWAYS very fat and plump and robust. Search on the internet for pictures of wild tangs, and you'll see what Im talking about. They forage for food all day long. If you decide to get another one, make sure you feed it well and frequently, and offer nori regularly.
i think it had some internal worms because take a look at my coral beauty and you will see how well fed i keep my fishes.
blind1993;138533 wrote: i think it had some internal worms because take a look at my coral beauty and you will see how well fed i keep my fishes.
Quit blaming it on things that you have no proof for, and take some responsibility. The fish was not eating. If it had an internal parasite, you should have treated for it instead of waiting for it to starve to death. Take Jeremy's advice and learn from this.
mojo;138737 wrote: Quit blaming it on things that you have no proof for, and take some responsibility. The fish was not eating. If it had an internal parasite, you should have treated for it instead of waiting for it to starve to death. Take Jeremy's advice and learn from this.
be nice lets remeber he is only a kid :up:, but yes blind take this as a learning experiance and if you see a fish slowly thining, no matter what your efforts ,let us know we can help you bring it back this was just an unfortunate mishap. happy reefing
Victor626nj;138744 wrote: be nice lets remeber he is only a kid :up:, but yes blind take this as a learning experiance and if you see a fish slowly thining, no matter what your efforts ,let us know we can help you bring it back this was just an unfortunate mishap. happy reefing

Victor, I agre that I am feeling bad for blind right now, because he's really getting dumped on, but I 100% agree with mojo that until he fesses up that HE made a mistake, and it wasn't some fluke of nature, then he will never become a better aquarium keeper. I guess you can call it tough love. This whole time he has made excuse after excuse on why this fish was doing bad, why it was skinny, why it died, and never once said, "Oh I didnt know that. It was my mistake, I will do better next time". It was always something else "out of his control".

I have personally made every mistake in the book, learned from them, and that is why I am a better aquarist today than I was 14 years ago. Blind has a marvelous and immense resource in this club and this forum, and should be using it to learn- even the most advanced aquarists on this site still learn from it.
jmaneyapanda;138771 wrote: Victor, I agre that I am feeling bad for blind right now, because he's really getting dumped on, but I 100% agree with mojo that until he fesses up that HE made a mistake, and it wasn't some fluke of nature, then he will never become a better aquarium keeper. I guess you can call it tough love. This whole time he has made excuse after excuse on why this fish was doing bad, why it was skinny, why it died, and never once said, "Oh I didnt know that. It was my mistake, I will do better next time". It was always something else "out of his control".

I have personally made every mistake in the book, learned from them, and that is why I am a better aquarist today than I was 14 years ago. Blind has a marvelous and immense resource in this club and this forum, and should be using it to learn- even the most advanced aquarists on this site still learn from it.

Agreed. We've all made our mistakes and lost fish in the process. But we have to take responsibility and LEARN. That tang was obviously miserable and starved to death. My yellows will eat from my tunze 6300's! There is NO WAY a healthy fish will get mangled by a maxi jet.

This club is a great resource. There are many people here who are more than capable (and willing) of rehabing a fish for you. If you are having trouble, ask before it's too late.

RIP Yella Tang.