Help!!! Over run with algae

I have a sea hare now and yes it does change to green after eating. But I think they are hit or miss because mine just doesnt seem to eat enough. My turbos destroy hair algae but you run the risk of getting your corals knocked over.
I can't help myself. As others have said need to know more details, but here is the combo to hit it with:

Better skimming (clean, possibly upgrade) and feed less to lower nitrates
Use RO/DI water and check the TDS
Throw some GFO (PhosBan, PhosPure, etc) in a high flow area
Shorten the light cycle by a couple hours
Add a fuge or some "safe" plants to the tank
Add a nice variety of snails
Finally, remove the existing algae

One or more of those should squelch the algae.
My tank is a couple of months old. I have been running the lights quite a bit so I will reduce the time. All the test are looking good so I was at a loss. I just ordered a phosphate sponge so hopefully that will help.

I will do water changes and scub as needed. I did not want to get too much live stock at one time but I may be a little too slow.

Thanks for all the advice.