Help Please


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I would pay someone with experience to come to my house and look over my tank and test everthing fot it. I have had a 90gal tank with 10gal sump for one year. Besides a problem with ich months ago I have had a few problems. I change the water every two weeks and the filters with carbon every four weeks. My bulbs were changed 4 weeks ago and two weeks ago. The last past month I noticed that the corals have not been looking as good as they had been. I have had a hair algea explosion in the last few weeks. I have lost a leather 3 weeks ago. Yesterday I had a kenya tree dissolve to nothing. Today it looks like my starfish is not moving and I have not seen my cucumber in two days. Yesterday I pulled out out a 10 inch brissel worm. I always bring my water to be tested at the store and have always used the same water from the store. I have had no past experience with a reef tank before and would like someone to come over and share their knowledge ASAP. As I said I would pay for this. I live off of Sandy Plains in Marietta.
Thanks Rick 770-420-6577
There a lots of people up your way. I am sure someone can swing by there and look thing over for you.

10GL sump are too small to be use as a sump for a 90GL tank. You may look into getting a bigger sump. Seem tome that you do not have a skimmer either. ( I would offer to sell my skimmer that I am looking to sell, but you are going to have a problem with that skimmer if you have not use a skimmer before).

Start make some water asap and try to change out 10% daily (this would help clearn up your tank a bit) If you are going to use a filters then clearn it every weeks for now then start change it every 2 weeks rather 4 weeks.

How high are your tank temp at peak heat hour?

It be cheaper and easyer to for you if you buy an RO/DI and mix your own water. Store water may not be as clearn as you think they are and it cost MUCH more for you to buy it.
I live fairly close by on the border of roswell/east marietta... No need to pay me. I'd be happy to drop by over the weekend.
I live fairly close by on the border of roswell/east marietta... No need to pay me. I'd be happy to drop by over the weekend.
FutureInterest that would be great if you could come by this weekend. I can be here at any time that is good for you. Wolfie I do use a skimmer and I have a RO/DI for top off water. Also I guess my sump is alot larger than 10 gals. I am worried that I have not been doing everything that I should. I bought everything from the same store and had them set it up and have received no help from him since.
dont worry i dont believe that you did anything wrong these kind of things happen just ask everyone here thats done this for years so dont blame your self just be paitient and good luck
I'll be more than happy to offer a second opinion free of charge. Send me a PM with the time you guys are going to meet up and I'll be there.
LOL. How's noon for you guys? I'm going straight to Suasati's afterward so I can't stay long :(.
pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, phosphate and I also have calcium and magnesium kits but I don't know if they will be needed. It's possible that the tank went through an ammonia spike that is now gone or was gone prior to the store testing the water.
Hey thanks for the help everyone. Noon would work great for me. My number is 770-420-6577 for directions to my house. Wayne I changed the filter pads today and did a 15 gal water change. My temp stays at 79-80. I tested the gravity for the first time myself and it was at 1.019. I added more salt water then I took out by about 2 1/2 gallons and it raised it to 1.02? I tested the water in different parts of the tank and sump and I get a different reading every time? Also for the last few months I have noticed what I thought are tiny white baby snails all thru the tank. I have not seen them on any coral yet. I hope these are snails and not some time of pest I should be getting rid of. Look forward to the help. Thanks Rick
<span style="color: black;">Wow. That SP of 1.019 could really be the cause of you problems. SP that low will definitely nuke your inverts. I seriously think you found the main problem which probably led to a ammonia spike due to the die off.</span>
I went to the store to test my water and they tested the SP at 1.024 but showed my calcium at a little below 300. I think its time I get my own testing equipment.
Sorry I didn't find your post earlier or I'd have offered earlier to come by, tho I'm no expert by any means. I did however have an incredibly similiar problem myself not too long ago.