Help Please

It's not the 1.019 that would have hurt the corals. It could be an ammonia spike caused by the invert die off that harmed the corals.
We'll find out shortly, but it could be more than just one thing causing issues.
Hey rick i just read your post these guys coming over , im sure will be able to help out greatly. As you know i live close but am still somewhat new when it comes to this otherwise i would have offered help as well. I have bought my own test kits and its a good situation. If nothing else buy those paper strips, it test like 4 things at one time. They are not 100% accurate but it will let you know if things are out of whack. Good luck :)
It was a pleasure meeting you guys! For a tank that's in "distress", Rick's tank looks pretty good :). It seems that a cucumber died and set off a chain reaction of sorts, but everything appears stable right now.
was a pleasure for me also. I did not think I would be there that long, but it was worth every minute of it.
Thanks alot you guys for taking the time to help me. I learned alot and feel much better about taking care of my tank and what I should be doing in the future. Thanks Rick
Hey, quick guestion. After Wayne adjusted my skimmer I get about 1/4 gallon a day in my overflow container. I was only getting about 1/10th a gallon every 2 weeks. The tank is doing great so do I keep it at the highest level on the skimmer. Thanks Rick
What color is the skimmate? Try to adjust it down a bit so you're getting greenish to dark green skimmate. Remember, when you feed the tank or put your hands in the foam head is going to collapse for a little while from the oils, and adjustment won't be accurate.
The color is dark green. So I guess this is the right spot for the skimmer. Thanks
Sounds like you've got a lot of gunk to skim out! You can always adjust in order to get wetter or dryer skimmate--it's really a matter of preference and there are arguments and applications for either. Just remember, when you skim wet, you are removing more saltwater from the tank, so when you top off your evaporated water with fresh water, don't forget that you may be dropping the salinity a little bit at a time. You may have to add some salt mix to your top off water to compensate--just make sure you keep an eye on the tank's salinity (preferably with a refractometer, not a swing-arm)
Thats a good point on the salinity. I did not think of that. Will my skimmer slow down once all the gunk is out? Should I leave at is for now and for how long? Thanks
Dart green are good skimmate. You may want to lower it a little since you do not have any saltmix.
Hmm 1/4 gl a day is a bit too much when you do not have salt to add it back in.

You know how to adjust that skimmer?
Wayne, I lowered it about a inch and the color changed to a very dark green. I will leave it at this setting. Thanks
Make sure you clearn the colection cup everyday or every otherday.