Help!!!!!! Possible tank crash

What I came home too..... I'm so unmotivated that I don't know where to start. It looks like Christmas in my tank and snowfall is covering the mountains. Turkey basting doesn't seem like a feasible solution. I'm thinking about doing this water change. Maybe removing the corals and giving all the rock and tank a good scrub down. Just thinking about all that is overwhelming. Not to mention I'm supposed to be going out of town for a week as my grandmother just passed away..... Decisions, decisions.
Opinions anyone?

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Got a small powerhead you can stir it up just before a large water change?

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Water parameters are all crazy

Now. Normal
Salinity- 1.021 1.025
Ph - 8.4. 8.0
Alk- 5dkh! 8-9 dkh
Ca- 375 440
Mg- 1100. 1400
Yeeesh, let me know if you need anything. Got my fingers crossed.

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I'm not sure you understand what a crash is.... That tank looks pretty healthy.

My guess is the kalk dust will largely go away on it's own over the next few weeks, but if it bothers you, just take a powerhead in your hand and move around the tank, blasting everything. Once it's suspended you can more easily get rid of it.
Considering the degree of mishap those pics look pretty good. Stepping up your water change regimen slightly should true up the parameters without overly stressing your livestock.

As for the "snow"? Stir up the precipitate and then swish a floss-filled net (largest one you can get) around for about 10 minutes a couple times a night over the next couple days. Add floss, sock or cut-to-fit filter sponge to help capture the smaller particles and you should be good within a week. I don;t think it'll skew things to leave it in there for a while if your schedules too packed - corals clear worse off themselves all the time.
You obviously don't know what a tank crash is. When you wake up in the morning and all you fish are dead and all your corals are white... Your tank looks fine and healthy.
You can deal with the kalk residue slowly, one area at a time, using a turkey baster until all is gone.
Removing rock and stirring up the sand will cause a real crash...
Yea just blow off the rocks and slowly bring things back to normal. You should be good buddy, take hand off the panick button
The same thing happen twice when I had my 93 cube installed. You'll be fine, just do a water change and everything will be OK. Your going to have to deal with the mess on the rock and the sand bed for a while. Take a turkey baster and blow it off the rock and sand bed while your removing the old water. Your going to have to do this several times before you get most of it out.

My parameters where even worst then yours. The corals showed some stress for a while but they all recovered. My PH went as high as 9.9 and never lost a single coral or fish. Just do the water changes and again you'll be fine.
Don't panic ;) water changes....

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Nickh06;1063905 wrote: which ATO do you have that failed?

It was the float switch. I have it linked up to my RKE for an ATO. The issue was I didn't setup a redundancy plan for it i.e. A second float switch, leak detectors etc.
I thank you all for your help and support in my moments of "catastrophe." Glad to report no losses just some ticked off acros. Took a lot of scrubbing, turkey basting, powerheading, and water changes but finally got her back in shape :yay:

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Genesis;1064177 wrote: It was the float switch. I have it linked up to my RKE for an ATO. The issue was I didn't setup a redundancy plan for it i.e. A second float switch, leak detectors etc.

Look into avast ato. I've had mine for a while with zero hiccups. Before I was replacing float switches at least yearly.
I love my tunze, optical sensor plus a traditional float. Plus it will only stay on for 5 mins only

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