There isn't anything really wrong with a high flow rate through the sump in most systems except cost and noise neither of which an installer has to live with. So while I respect your experience with the many tanks you have run into, I don't think it invalidates my math on the typical new reef tank setup by the majority (ok sheer speculation on the majority bit). In a modern reef system (not counting the other older designs or just plain quirky ones), but in the vast majority of systems installed today (namely live rock in the main display, with powerheads and skimmer in the sump area) a honker return pump is simply not needed and is an added expense. I was just pointing out that all these big pumps that people are recommending are probably not necessary. A Mag18 is likely going to throw 600gph to 700gph into her sump while a Queit One 3000 will put around 300gph. Depending on the setup and size of her sump, the later is probably a better fit as it will save her around $70 a year and probably another $70 if she buys new pumps and will reduce the chance of an overflow in case one return gets blocked.