help to ID odd worm thing..


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I have something irritating some of my zoas. I can't get a picture because it is so tiny, but I will try to describe it. It is whiteish clear and pretty much looks like the spine bone of a fish. Very small and only about 1 inch long, but can grow longer in heavy flow and retract back like a snake if startled. It is soft and rubbery.. I tried to pull it off the zoas and it stretched and then broke. I know it isn't a bristle worm, Medusa worm or spaghetti worm, but I do not know what it is.. actually there are a couple of them. The zoas are not opening up where they are attached. Looks like they are attached right to the fleshy mat part of the coral. Any ideas?
Should I pull those zoas out and dip them? They are on a frag plug so it'll be pretty easy..
Yep and treat the entire tank because they are in there now. Google some pics and articles to be sure
I have been googleing for a couple hours and I can't seem to find anything like it.. worm or nudi.. totally stumped. It is definitely alive though and anchored right into the flesh part of the zoas.. creepy skeleton worm lol..
Tube worm or vermatid snail? Now I gotta check some sources. Can I get a pic?
Not like any I've ever seen I have both in my tank. I wish I cold get a pic but it's too tiny and I only have a point and shoot, but if you could immagine a small fish spine with an arrow like head.. bigger than a hair.. more like 4 or 5 hairs thickness
but it's attached by it's tail area.. the head area is waving in the waves.. and looks like it pokes around in the mouths of the zoas from time to it is looking for food..
Yeah sounds right. Shoot a pic anyway. Quality doesn't matter. Just want to ID so I can go to sleep happy
OK these are really bad and you just can't tell what it is in the pics...but here they are..
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The first pics shows it flapping in the PH and it gets longer.. just like a sweeper tentacle..
nope not flatworms..never saw a flatworm in person but from the pics online it doesn't look anything like it.. I just found another one attached to a snail shell.. If you will be at the meeting tomorrow I will bring the snail so you can see that way I wont stress the zoas more.... if you want..
I won't be there, but bring one anyway. Probably won't have to though. When everyone wakes up I am sure someone will nail this for you
OK I'm not an artist with a mouse.. but this is pretty much what it looks like..just white..
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I finally, finally got an ID on this! It is a digitate hydroid, and turns out it has a powerful sting for both corals and humans! Now I just have to figure out how to get rid of them. From what I've read people are saying use kalk paste but the problem is they are attached in the middle of a zoa frag and I dont want to kill the zoas. For anyone that wants to see here is a pic. This is NOT my pic as my camera sucks too bad to get one. lol
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