Help tweaking Reef Breeder LED


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I have the Photon 48 running for about a year now but my colors and growth is not that great. The tank is a mix reef mostly SPS, I have a 40 gallon frag tank tie in to the display tank making it about 200 gallon.
The frag tank is running T 5’s, the colors are great and growth is good, so I know it’s not water parameter. Tank is 24” tall
Here are my light settings.

0:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 1 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
1:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 1 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
2:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 0 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
3:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 0 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
4:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 0 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
5:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 1 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
6:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 1 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
7:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 1 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
8:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 6 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
9:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 6 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
10:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 23 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 25 feeding
11:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 6 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
12:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 6 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
13:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 73 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
14:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 73 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
15:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 73 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 54
16:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 73 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 61
17:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 73 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 61
18:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 73 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 61
19:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 67 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 55
20:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 65 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 45
21:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 55 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 30
22:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 50 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
23:00 CH 1 (blue) ---- 42 CH 2 (Whites) -------- 0
I was thinking to go up on the whites and go down on the blues.
I'm not sure if you have seen this spreadsheet someone put together for the reefbreeder leds. Currently I have my whites at 35% and blues at 65%. It's what I've been using for about a year with really good results (I only have a few pieces of SPS though).

I just dumped two photon 32's I had over my tank for over a year now with weak growth in favor of MH and I'm already seeing improvements in the two weeks it's been running...
Wow. You guys run it at pretty low setting than I do. I have 120 and I know mine runs at 100% for both channels for about four hours. Growth has been awesome so far and I just added another one for more lights. Lol.
Here is my setting for one unit of photon32 I have on 120 before adding another one.
0:30=1/0 1:00 =1/0 1:30=1/0 2:00=1/0 ... 9:00=1/0 9:30=5/0 10:00=10/1 10:30=20/5 11:00=35/15 11:30=50/30 12:00=60/50 12:30=75/65 13:00=80/75 13:30=90/80 14:00=100/90 14:30=100/100.... 17:30=100/80 18:00=95/65 18:30=75/45 19:00=65/30 19:30=40/20 20:00=30/10 20:30=25/4 21:00=20/1 21:30=15/0 22:00=9/0 22:30=5/0 23:00=2/0 23:30=20 00:00=2/0

Second unit will be used in more ramdom ramping up and down style to creat cloud effect. Just for a experiment. Still accumilating with no ill effect and is now at 40/25 at max. Its now into 2nd week.
project1004;991265 wrote: Wow. You guys run it at pretty low setting than I do. I have 120 and I know mine runs at 100% for both channels for about four hours. Growth has been awesome so far and I just added another one for more lights. Lol.

I guess need to ramp mine up a little higher over the next few weeks.
i ran mine low for a while (70 blue/40 white). I ramped it up to 80/70 and am seeing some big improvements.
I think I am going to bump mine a bit higher also
here it is
Time CH 1 (Blue)CH 2 (White)

0:00 1 0
1:00 1 0
2:00 0 0
3:00 0 0
4:00 0 0
5:00 1 0
6:00 1 0
7:00 1 0
8:00 9 0
9:00 9 0
10:00 23 25
11:00 9 0
12:00 9 0
13:00 35 15
14:00 40 20
15:00 80 70
16:00 80 70
17:00 80 70
18:00 80 70
19:00 70 60
20:00 70 60
21:00 60 50
22:00 50 40
23:00 45 0
pbyrmartin;991304 wrote: I think I am going to bump mine a bit higher also
here it is
Time CH 1 (Blue)CH 2 (White)

0:00 1 0
1:00 1 0
2:00 0 0
3:00 0 0
4:00 0 0
5:00 1 0
6:00 1 0
7:00 1 0
8:00 9 0
9:00 9 0
10:00 23 25
11:00 9 0
12:00 9 0
13:00 35 15
14:00 40 20
15:00 80 70
16:00 80 70
17:00 80 70
18:00 80 70
19:00 70 60
20:00 70 60
21:00 60 50
22:00 50 40
23:00 45 0

I don't really understand the ramp up/down at 9 but other than that ur lights still on at 11pm our numbers are somewhat close. I've had great results with growth and color. I had MH over my tank and MUCH prefer the P48 the heat was killing me.
Mikesmith34;991374 wrote: I don't really understand the ramp up/down at 9 but other than that ur lights still on at 11pm our numbers are somewhat close. I've had great results with growth and color. I had MH over my tank and MUCH prefer the P48 the heat was killing me.

The ramp up at 10 is for the auto feeder and sometimes I am up late so I like the light to be on
It seems I was going to wrong way by turning up the lights
I was bleaching my coral
I am in the process of redoing the rocks in my tank meaning most of my corals are in the frag tank
Anyway I have a orange digi, while I had it up hight under the led it was turning almost white with little PE.
Now I move it down and reduce my light to 65% max
The deep orange colors are coming Back along with PE, like the ones in the frag tank
I guess to my eyes the lights don't look bright
So I am giving led a chance to prove it self
Allen;991259 wrote: How far above sandbed?

I have a Reefbreeders Value fixture about 8" above my water surface on standard 20g mixed reef, and I run my lights:

Whites: 65%
Blues: 100%

I have been running this for over a year and I get pretty impressive growth. Not sure what this amounts to, but a Hollywood Stunner Chalice went from a dime size to 6" diameter in about 6-8 months.

About 30"s above the sand bed. I'm about 6"s over the water.