Help with an anemone.

Ya pulling him might be helpful, keep us updated and let us know how he is doing. I will trade you clowns, my wife's will not go near her BTA! ;)
I'm calling it 02/23/2007 I think I moved him out too late but then it might have been too late anyways. I finally found him after tearing through the live rock he was on the bottom in the back. I touched him earlier and he was attached but then I touched him a few minutes ago and he wan't attatched to the bottom anymore. He did curl up when I picked him up but then I don't know. I don't have the heart to throw him away if he just moved. maybe now I need to move him to a tank and get a defibulator screaming "LIVE!!!!! D@$& YOU!!! LIVE"
Frewl, I'm sorry to hear he's taken a turn for the worse; you'll know when an anemone is a goner when he starts to disintegrate - that's when you remove him asap.
He started to disintegrate so I took him out. Some of the rock work is still in the makeshift fuge that I build. I'm feeling a bit lethargic since I had to take him out. I figure I'll just get the rock work back in order and let the NC be fore a while. I've been thinking about modding my AP with a 70W MH or maybe even two. Beefing up the airflow in the lighting compartment adding an under the hood chiller. But then I want to finish off the overflow that I started to make for it. I know cooling will definitely be an issue but then the fans won't bother me I'll probably have the AP next to my computer and I think it will be a competition to see with one will have more fan noise.