Help with Heat....

Shrimpy Brains;1047553 wrote: Nothing wrong with mag pumps. All I ever use and I've never had heat issues.
I currently have a mag 18 on my 120g. I don't run the ac in my house unless the temp outside hits 90 plus and I have a 10 clip on fan(purchased from Walmart) that blows on the surface of my tank. It generally runs about 78 degrees(I prefer) it has occasionally reached 80.


I have always ran mag pumps with no problems, they may put off more heat than others but it equals out in the winter. My tank never runs over 80. I like the fact that they are cheap and bullet proof. To the OP I would suggest a small fan, I run two over the top of my tank in the canopy to help with the really hot days. Works great and only cost me about $20 vs a $500 chiller.
Mag pumps are bulletproof. Perfect for mixing salt, years and years worth of work.

With that they are without a doubt inefficient pumps when compared to others in the market place. But as others have pointed out, if it saves incorporating a heater they've just produced a bit o gold for ya.