Help with high Phosphate and Nitrate levels


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I'm trying to determine why my Phosphate level 2.5 and Nitrate level 75 is so high even after treating my 170 gal reef tank with Phosphate Rx and Absolute Zero NO3 treatments.
I recently had about 20-40 nems and they are all gone now? My fish are all OK an nothing died. What would cause this problem with my unusually high Phosphate and Nitrate levels? I've started changing water about 40 gallons every 2 week and still no change.
I'm also running a GFO reactor and Phosphate pellets reactor. I have a dual motor Octopus protein skimmer.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

If someone can visit my home in Cumming with expert experience and advice I'll pay someone for their time and advice.

I'm also interested in upgrading my LED lights and maybe a better sump. My current 3 LED sets are about 6 yrs old and one has a problem with blue lights. My sump is a custom made older model too about 40 gallons capacity.

Shane D.
678-662-6336 cell
How long has your tank been up?
How many fish are in your system? Large bioload?
How often do you feed fish?
You mentioned anemones, but do you have much of any other coral?
You put nutrients in, you need to get nutrients out. IMO water changes will help a little, but need to find source of excess nutrients
Also, you using RO/DI water? If so, have you changed filter/di resin/membrane recently?
Are you having issues with any nuisance algae?
Lastly, what test kits you using?
How long has your tank been up? over 10 yrs
How many fish are in your system? Large bioload? one large blue tang, 2 clowns, 2 engineer gobies, flamehawk, 2 red eye cardinals, few snails and crabs
How often do you feed fish? every 2 days - either flakes, pellets or PE mysis shrimp
You mentioned anemones, but do you have much of any other coral? 2 kenya trees, lettuce cabbage, live rock with yellow sponge growing on it
You put nutrients in, you need to get nutrients out. IMO water changes will help a little, but need to find source of excess nutrients - yes, what's the source of my problems?
Also, you using RO/DI water? If so, have you changed filter/di resin/membrane recently? yes, 5 stage RO/DI water. Filter have not been changed recently but look clean.
Are you having issues with any nuisance algae? no algae issues
Lastly, what test kits you using? Hanna electronic test kits
my TDS meter stopped working but I believe the fresh water is good.
I checked Nitrates and Phosphates after the nems died.
I've changed water 2-3 times but no change.
I'm treating tank now for 3 weeks with Absolute Zero NO3, 2 External media reactors with dark GFO pellets and white Phosguard pellets in second reactor. I also drop 25 drops daily of Blue Life PhosphateRx into the protein skimmer.
My results are not changing when I test the water.
Not sure what's wrong here so I need some help please!
since you have a 10 year old tank I’m assuming you have a deep sand bed? If so do you siphon the sand when you do water changes?
Yes, I siphon the sand every time I change water. I've considered changing the sand since it's old but not sure that will help anything?
I'm trying to determine why my Phosphate level 2.5 and Nitrate level 75 is so high even after treating my 170 gal reef tank with Phosphate Rx and Absolute Zero NO3 treatments.
I recently had about 20-40 nems and they are all gone now? My fish are all OK an nothing died. What would cause this problem with my unusually high Phosphate and Nitrate levels? I've started changing water about 40 gallons every 2 week and still no change.
I'm also running a GFO reactor and Phosphate pellets reactor. I have a dual motor Octopus protein skimmer.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

If someone can visit my home in Cumming with expert experience and advice I'll pay someone for their time and advice.

I'm also interested in upgrading my LED lights and maybe a better sump. My current 3 LED sets are about 6 yrs old and one has a problem with blue lights. My sump is a custom made older model too about 40 gallons capacity.

Shane D.
678-662-6336 cell display tank, and that solved the problem
I had a similar issue. Mine was something rusting in my mixing tank. I put some Cuprisorb in the mixing tank and the sump and it solve my problem.