Help with McCosker's Flasher wrasse


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I had a juvinile and male McCosker's flasher wrasse with a midals blenny and exquisite fairy wrasse in my quarintine tank and treated with prazipro as a preventitive. After 13 days in quarentine the male flasher died with what looked like abrasions on the top of his head. I didn't worry too much because I thought it had just been bullied by another fish (although I never saw bullying) but I extended quaretine two more days than the normal 14. Non of the fish showed anything wierd so I added them to the DT. They have been in there for 5 days. Today my juvinille flasher is showing the same abrasions on the right side of here head between her gill and fin and is not moving her right fin. Besides that she is swimming around normally and eating great. It looks almost like ropeburn or like someone to sandpaper and rubbed it on that area. Does anyone know what this is? I don't think it was caused by another fish. Unfortunently I cannot get a good pic because the fish is so active and moving around all the time.
Also no other fish are showing any signs of anything wierd. Params are normal
ph 8.3
nitrites 0
ammonia 0
phosphates 0
nitrates 0
I was able to catch her (that was very challenging) and have here in QT threating with Cupramine. Don't know if it will help but it is worth a shot.
After only 2 hours in the copper treated QT the wrasse is breathing slower and moving it's bad fin more. Still don't know what was wrong with it but I think she'll be ok.
Keep us posted, Diane. I'm very curious and am surprised no one has chimed in. I have a male currently and will be getting three females to go along with him soon, so I'd like to know if you figure out either what happened or how to treat it.
She seems to be doing better. I think mabey they both just bashed into rocks since they are both very active but shy fish I wouldn't be suprised. I don't know if the copper helped but I know alot of people use copper in QT as a precuation. I would definently use prazipro in QT as a precuation. She's regaining use of her fin but I don't know if she'll ever have full movement again. She seems to beable to swim alright though.
I was gonna say that...I have lots of wrasses and being that they mostly sleep in the sand or hide in the sand i notice alot of mine having the same marks on them...I just chalk it up to sand-diving booboo