Help with my new fish

darren neil

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Ive been at the LFS all day cleaning there tanks and they had a potters angle so i brought it home and put it in with my sailfin tang and my brissle tooth tang. my brissle tooth want leave him along. will this stop are do i need to get him out? never thought that they would fight.
If you put something in after a tang, unless you have a big tank you are very likely going to have aggression issues. The same is sometimes said about dwarf angels, so there may be no answer except more real estate.
It's a 120 gallon. the tang is just a little bit bigger. as long as the angle stays in the rocks the tang want bother him. for the frist hour it didnt matter the tang was on him like white on rice. he dont seem to care as long has he dont come out were the tangs at.
I am no expert, but considering what you just posted, I bet he'll settle down.
I always try to add new fish when the lights are out so they don't immediately get picked on.
ok never thought of doing that after the lights go out.i can do that on my next fish and see if that helps. i could always tell when there was going to be a problem with w new fish before i ever took them out of the bag by letting them stay in the bag and just let bag float around the tank. if the didnt like what was in the bag they would try to eat them up in the bag. but there never once act like the wanted to they went right for the bag when i stuck it in the tank check it and when on about there merry way. so i dont know. thanks for the info.
Yeah. I guess it's lucky that most of my purchases are made while I'm on the way back from court (usually in the mornings before lights come on) as I stop at the LFS on that side of town, or they're made in ATL, and by the time I get home the lights have gone out for the evening.
Putting a fish in your system without quarantine is asking for bigger problems than a territorial squabble.