help with tang selection Please


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sorry for asking the same question 15 times but i dont think i was getting anyones attention in the other threads with it always being an off topic question in a random thread so i will start this one.

ok i have a yellow tang in an 80 gallon
the only other fish are 3 green chromis and a firefish.

I would like to add one more tang which one would be my best bet?

regal tang
yellow eye tang
sailfin tang

if you have a suggestion that is not on the list please let me know thanks again guys
As I said before, my vote is for a kole tang. Sailfin will get to big for that tank. I have a yellow in a 90 and he gets along with the yellow/eye kole. Also, the yellow was there first.

o ok sorry jhutto i couldnt find where i had asked it before cause it wasnt in a thread i started i dont think........been one of those weeks
i was just wondering cause i have seen a thread or two lately where people have 90 gallon tanks with two tangs and i was just thinking i could have another one in my 80.......but i deff. do take all the opinons seriously.......any reason u say another is a no go Dr.??
i have three tangs in my 90. yellow,sailfin, and a powder blue.. the yellow was there first, the sailfin was added a week later, and the powder blue was about 6 months later. sometimes tangs are pretty agressive, and you shouldnt add multiple ones in the same tank... i took a chance and it worked out for me... but it doesnt for everyone. also, i knw that i will need to upgrade soon because they will outgrow a 90. i dont see why u shouldnt be able to try to add another if you are willing to upgrade soon, and can be around to watch for fights between them. i love my sailfin...but i also love the yellow eyes... so that would be a hard choice.
regal or the sailfin would be ok. In a 90 you could put up to 3 tangs IMO amongst plenny of other fish. I have a yellow tang, Powder Blue Tang and a Kole tang in a 110g and i plan on adding one maybe 2 more tangs.
well then i have it narrowed down to regal and it bad that its 2 AM and im posting about my fishtank?? haha
Why not both? I have 8 yellow tangs, streamer, 3 Kole, Purple and 2 Blue line surgeon in the same tank. Absolutly no aggression. Put the Regal in first as he does not resemble the Yellow and in a few months when your ready dont be afraid to drop a Sailfin in.
I'd do a regal. My YT showed a lot of aggression towards my sailfin...and this is in a 140, I can't imagine in something almost 1/2 the size. However regals get large! So that might not be the best bet. My back up would be the yellow eye tang.
yea I do plan to upgrade down the road and if the yellow shows aggression I can move the regal out of that tank and obviously if plans change and I can't upgrade then someone will get a nice healthy regal for a very low price
Many here have much more experience than I do -- however, I have 2 tangs in my 125 -- yellow and sailfin. I put them in at the same time and they get along very well.

However, I'm not sure how successful you'll be adding another tang after the yellow has had the tank to himself. Personally, I think it may be risky.
jaydm93teg;189583 wrote: i was just wondering cause i have seen a thread or two lately where people have 90 gallon tanks with two tangs and i was just thinking i could have another one in my 80.......but i deff. do take all the opinons seriously.......any reason u say another is a no go Dr.??

Regal/Hippos swim alot... and I mean alot. would be rather confined in a smaller tank..
Tangs are poo machines if waterchanges are kept up with and maint. is handled fine that can be combated. once they start getting larger chances are you will see aggression.
It works for some and can be a diaster for others.. in the end it your call..
Tangs can survive in small tanks, HOWEVER, they won't thrive. If you want your fish to truly thrive and be happy, then don't cram too many tangs in a small space.
Sailfins get HUGE. Regals get HUGE. Both of those should be off your list. If youre gonna upgrade, wait til you have the bigger tank. Maybe a Kole, but even still thats pushing it. I agree with Skriz.