Here Goes!!!


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I am so excited about all the info on this site, I joined a few weeks ago and became an official member today. I am in the process of setting up a 54 gallon corner system. BIG THANKS to Chris at Fish Scales for all the direction so far. The live rock is going in today. Any suggestions, advice, or encouragement for a newbie would be greatly appreciated! The terminology in this industry is CRAZY!! :eek:
cool... be sure to take lots of pictures of the process... we love pictures here..
First of all you cannot go wrong getting listening to Chris. I would say the best advise is patience. It will save you a lot of grief and money.
Welcome to the club KoKo. Take your time and don't try to rush anything. The best tank is the one that is brought along slowly. Do your research and ask questions...lots of them. ARC also has a mentoring program if interested. :up:
welcome glade to meet ya. read all you can ,learn from the reefers here they are very knowedgable people with vast kind hearts always willing to help.
go get you a book titled the conscientious marine aquarist.
its a bit pricey, but worth every single cent spent.
welcome to ARC.
Welcome! You'll do well to get advice from Chris. Like a couple of our other sponsors, he is more interested in the well-being of the livestock than he is in making a buck. That's an admirable trait that is not as common as it should be.

Chris will steer you right.
We loves some pictures!
BTW,I've bought most of my system from Chris and Julie,they are as nice as they come.
Oh and welcome!!!