Here we go again 🙄 - let’s re-get this system going


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It’s about that time! To try it again. To get the reef system back up to… par. See what I did there?

Anyway, started a channel and I am going to try to keep up with the process a little bit better.

Video one is here if you want to check it out and sub! 🙏💪🏻

* hopefully this forum section is an OK spot to put it?
And maybe something else pretty cool :)


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I’ve moved up a little bit from my 350/370 days when you knew me. But I still remember the beast you brought
1000 miles in a decade is not enough tires on the road.
I know, I know.... I like keeping my stuff nice and as close to perfect as possible....... EXCEPT my reef tank lolololol! That is the OPPOSITE lol!

GTR has 22k total now I believe (is a 2010 Prem)? Maybe 2k of it since E85 and FBO :O)
ICP test results in!

some interesting things

first is phosphate. When I tested using my Hana, nowhere near these results. I have both a ultra low range and regular and neither was reading anything above .08 but this says 29!!?
(I really wish these would tell me nitrate even though I know it’s way way way high at least maybe more ratio wise better)

next is there is a small bit of copper in the tank? I wonder if I could be harming anything or if it needed to be more “parts” than that?

lastly not sure if that chlorine level is high or not?

I did just buy another membrane and DI resin and I’ll be putting that in when I get back in town


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But now that I googled it, I guess when I convert the phosphate PBB to ppm it becomes .089 lol

Been reading the threads on the big resetting/ r2r/ @brandon249 and stuff like that and just want to make sure the proper way I should go about it

1) my goal would be to get rid of the vermid snails and lower my 200+ nitrates. I got some bumblebee snails and they might be doing something, but removing rock obviously would be way faster

2) Rather than reuse the rock in dt, I could use pretty much dead rock from my sons tank, that he really never fully set up or put fish, but it was sitting in salt water.

3) my main question I guess is ***I know most people reuse their live rock and it’s the whole reason the hard reset works. BUT since I have quite a bit in my sump and Fuge currently, in addition to what’s in the display tank, would that take the place of the rock that’s in the display tank… so I could use that “new” rock?
I hesitate to even put in any of the old rock from the display tank back, since it has the stupid snails on it and rinsing the sand should have a huge result on lowering nitrates/is partly cause?

I currently have a 180 display tank, basement probably 50-75 gallons of water in that, 75 gallon fuse, (2)30 gallon frag tanks, and a 40 gallon frag tank.

All connected it is about 330 gallons pretty much total system volume

I can turn off the return pump flow into one or both 30g frag tanks (where I plan on putting the fish and remaining coral), and or turn off the one drain into the 40 gallon frag tank

then do the work on the display tank

then after finishing, turn return back on for whole system