Here we go again 🙄 - let’s re-get this system going

Whew~! Basically "done"

still have the pipe support in and stuck in some more live rock, etc from fuge in DT to make sure enough liveness to not cycle or anything weird lol
more sand to rinse and add but not putting in as much as I had before
added back the other 2 PH in addition to the gyres that are set low.. prob could be happy just with them turned up, but already have the other 4 ph wired up and all so too much trouble atm to remove

I still only have the 3 fish (in frag tank currently) and thinking about moving them back to big tank. But... obviously I am getting more fish, so didn't know if order was super important?
current fish -
4-5" Purple Tang
3" Royal Gramma
3" Flame Angelfish

Planned "new" fish
2 Designer Clowns - Maine Blizzard?
4-6? Banggai Cardinalfish to school - 2 kinds? ~ or maybe Firefish instead?
Starry Blenny ? - better than lawnmower?
Yellowhead jawfish - ? - or Midas Blenny - ?
Maybe another tang, maybe wrasse, goby?

I would go wrasse. lots of nice ones out there. super active and plenty of color variations.
so do u think it'll matter if I go ahead and put the 3 I have back in DT and then add the others I'm interested in or def get a wrasse and add him first?
Whew~! Basically "done"

still have the pipe support in and stuck in some more live rock, etc from fuge in DT to make sure enough liveness to not cycle or anything weird lol
more sand to rinse and add but not putting in as much as I had before
added back the other 2 PH in addition to the gyres that are set low.. prob could be happy just with them turned up, but already have the other 4 ph wired up and all so too much trouble atm to remove

I still only have the 3 fish (in frag tank currently) and thinking about moving them back to big tank. But... obviously I am getting more fish, so didn't know if order was super important?
current fish -
4-5" Purple Tang
3" Royal Gramma
3" Flame Angelfish

Planned "new" fish
2 Designer Clowns - Maine Blizzard?
4-6? Banggai Cardinalfish to school - 2 kinds? ~ or maybe Firefish instead?
Starry Blenny ? - better than lawnmower?
Yellowhead jawfish - ? - or Midas Blenny - ?
Maybe another tang, maybe wrasse, goby?

I think banggai is best to get only 2, or the strongest 2 will knock off the others. I think pajama cardinals might school though. You could do 2 banggai and 4 pajamas maybe?
so do u think it'll matter if I go ahead and put the 3 I have back in DT and then add the others I'm interested in or def get a wrasse and add him first?
The purple tang will be the most aggressive. I would add any fish you want to the display in the order of aggressiveness. Definitely the purple last. It’s a pain but research the fish you want and see what others have experienced with them. It will vary of course but if overwhelmingly people say “x fish was a jerk to x fish” just try to plan accordingly.
The purple tang will be the most aggressive. I would add any fish you want to the display in the order of aggressiveness. Definitely the purple last. It’s a pain but research the fish you want and see what others have experienced with them. It will vary of course but if overwhelmingly people say “x fish was a jerk to x fish” just try to plan accordingly.
Yeah definitely try to do that, but it seems like it’s super depends on the fish lol!
My purple tang is pretty chill and actually more of a fraidy-cat almost everything else I’ve ever put in there in the past

I just didn’t want to keep them in the 30 gallon frag tank too long
Little bit better pictures of the rock work. Pretty happy with it overall. There’s one piece on the right bottom that I have just sitting there, just for bacteria growth from my fuge, and I’m either going to remove it or have to figure out a better spot.


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My purple tang was the meanest thing ever, but only to other tangs. Pretty much left all my other fish alone. I added a sailfin, kole eye, and achilles long after the purple. The sailfin and achilles was able to fight off the purple, but the kole was shred to pieces. I am not even sure how it lived. It was so badly beaten, I found him sucked onto my mp40. I got him off and swam into a hole and emerged out a few days later perfectly healthy.

as far as fish addition, I found my clown to be the most aggressive to other fish. I recently added 3 sapphire damsels and the clown killed one within 5 min. Literally bit onto him and smashed him against rocks and then tore into him. At one point, I added 3 firefish and the clown wouldn’t let them come out to feed. Just tortured them until they starved to death.
so diatoms happening... more on rocks and not a ton on sand. Turned down the intensity on Noopsyche k7 Pro v2

Was thinking of adding my 2 extras to make 6 total, but not sure and will prob wait now just cus might make algae worse? Need to add back in snails and crabs or buy more..
Holy CRAP!!!??? Got my ATI Lab results back and .... welp... still have nitrates!!!!!!!!!!


Like a TON! I've been getting ~50 on the salifert test recently, and before the reset, it was 200 on it and confirmed at 2 fish stores...

Sent off on the 23rd of Nov, got results today and this is AFTER the rip clean?? :oops: 🤯
Here are some pictures from salifert for tonight.
It looks higher than it did yesterday or day before, but still not really above 100?
ATI lab is supposed to retest again on Monday.

Hope you win the nitrate battle. I’m coming down from high nitrates and phosphates myself. I was over 2.5ppm phosphate and over 75ppm nitrate. Got a gfo reactor running and have the phosphate down to 0.72ppm and I haven’t tested nitrates in a while. I just kicked off a sulfur reactor and still getting it dialed in. Trying really hard to not do water changes if you can’t tell LOL!
Yes, spending all the money on water changes - it certainly gets old!

I’m actually trying to dose phosphates now to try to get the nitrates to either come down or scientifically adhere or whatever the heck they need to do, so I can do a big water change and get them out of there. Lol.
Hope you win the nitrate battle. I’m coming down from high nitrates and phosphates myself. I was over 2.5ppm phosphate and over 75ppm nitrate. Got a gfo reactor running and have the phosphate down to 0.72ppm and I haven’t tested nitrates in a while. I just kicked off a sulfur reactor and still getting it dialed in. Trying really hard to not do water changes if you can’t tell LOL!
To me water changes is the best thing to do. Your fish and coaral need that. And i know most people dose. But dosing to me is the worst thing to do. Water changes gets boring and expensive. But you cant over dose with water changes. 25 years ago we didnt have the things we have today. So it was a water change. Now it seems like most is lazy and relies on dosing. But we all know when the doser fails and crashes your tank. People get sick to their stomach and get out of Hobby. To each his own right.
Sad thing is I have everything set up to where water changes wouldn’t take long. I just live so far away from a place to get salt I try to avoid water changes. But chuck you’re right. It is the best way.
Still trying lol!

Welcome to the next episode... hold up... heeeeeeeyyyyyy

Battle Corals unboxing next so stay tuned and sub! đź’Ş