Hey Y'all-new guy

i like to add the live rock before the sand so it is sitting right on the bottom of the tank, that way your fish wont make them fall by stealing the sand from under them.
also if you think you can not set up the system by yourself just ask someone to help you out.

take it slow

buy the best equip you can buy

do not listen to the people at lfs that much without confermation from 2-3 other people.

josh(now at aquariumshowcase) is some one you should visit alot, actually the whole store will help you out correctly. i think all of the employees own tanks of their own.
Try not to buy your stuff new, you can buy LR from someone on here for $2 or $3 per lb LFS $7 or $8
Ironman58;112064 wrote: Thanks y'all-Hre's what I'm planning to do this weekend-
1)Pack up the freshwater fish and take them to the aquarium store

great idea!.............

2) Purchase whatever I need to start out with: (Live rock, sand, lighting, skimmer, power heads-I'm totally relying on the manager at the store-I've already met with him and he gave me a good overview)

bad idea................
please take a deep breath..........slow down! Please go to your lfs and ask him or her to write down his or her suggestions and prices. I don't know your mgr, so he or she may be great, however, please don't by the skimmer & power heads just yet. If you have to, go ahead & buy the live rock & sand, a good return pump, etc. You don't need a skimmer just yet anyway to cycle your tank. Please don'y but any fish to cycle your tank either. Just drop a raw shrimp from publix in it (or whatever). Please don't buy any lights without checking here first. Just trying to save you a lot of time and money!

3)Clean out the tank real good-(any thoughts on what i should use to clean it?)


4) Add the sand, then arrange the live rock

5) Add water

add RO water only...........

6) turn everything on and start monitoring the water chemistry.

you need decent test kits! Don't just get the all in one!

Now, Can I use my existing biowheel filters (2 rated at 60 gallons) to help accelerate the cycling process since they've already 'cycled' and have bacteria? Will it at least HELP get things going?

NO...........that will just cause a major nitrate issue. The freshwater bacteria will die in saltwater.

please post!
well-I dropped by the store on the way home toask more questions and the manager's really good, telling me the same things y'all told me. It sounds like I'm gonna come out a LOT cheaper than i thought. He told me I culd get by with flourescents and really didn't need any expensive sumps or skimmers, but I want to do it right, so I think I want to get a good filter system and skimmer. He said I won't need the skimmer for a while, and in a few weeks I could add crabs and snails a little bit at a time. He told me to bring the water by and they'd make sure everything was good before I moved to the next step.
I don't mind spending a little extra for good, quality dependable equipment. I build computers and know that by spending a little more, you get a LOT better performance and quality, so I'm going with the same strategy for my reef tank.
I would have a skimmer on there the second you have any livestock, and that includes liverock. I build all my own computers and it does hold very true.
well-I dropped by the store on the way home to ask more questions and the manager's really good, telling me the same things y'all told me. It sounds like I'm gonna come out a LOT cheaper than i thought. He told me I culd get by with flourescents and really didn't need any expensive sumps or skimmers, but I want to do it right, so I think I want to get a good filter system and skimmer. He said I won't need the skimmer for a while, and in a few weeks I could add crabs and snails a little bit at a time. He told me to bring the water by and they'd make sure everything was good before I moved to the next step.
I don't mind spending a little extra for good, quality dependable equipment. I build computers and know that by spending a little more, you get a LOT better performance and quality, so I'm going with the same strategy
whoaaaaaaaa! before you get a sump, you might want to check first here! There are many places that you can get used, online, etc. But you need to know FIRST, what do you plan on keeping? Do you plan on fish only with live rock for the first year? Then, expanding to soft corals, or LPS? or clams & sps? Do you know? You need to plan now, so you are set up in the future without a lot of added expenses. If you plan on fish only, forever, then you're fine! However, if you want corals in the future, then you have to plan your fish now too to make sure that they are reef safe. Also, you may want t-5 fluorescents, so you can at least start with some corals, 8 months to a year from now. If so, you might want a sump that can accommodate a large skimmer & a fuge, instead of getting another one in a year. Just trying to save you money & time!
DannyBradley;112216 wrote: I would have a skimmer on there the second you have any livestock, and that includes liverock. I build all my own computers and it does hold very true.

I agree, unless your tank is less than 30g I would have a skimmer ASAP.
Wow! This IS gonna be a great site! Thanks for the advice and help! Greg at the store told me last night that I could get a couple of small corals in about 4-5 weeks, after I get my "cleaner" crabs and snails in there and let them do some housecleaning. I don't plan on adding any fish for a couple of months at least. I'm more interested in getting corals growing first. I've been looking at pictures of some of y'alls tanks and that's what I want. They are SPECTACULAR!!!!
Also, I'm just gonna let the pumps and skimmers run 24/7 for about a week before I power on my lighting right? Greg said If I add light too soon, I'll just have algae everywhere. He's really great, spent about 30 minutes telling me about how things work,explaining the different types of lighting and even showing me how to set up my live rock. He also told me I get the 10% discount for being an ARC member!
I plan on doing a TON of research in the next couple of months. I'm just gonna be as patient as I can be, but y'all have been where I am and know how anxious and excited I am to finally get things going. I'll post every day to let y'all know how things are coming along. Now I just have to figure a way to catch those HUGE Red Bellied Pacus and all the other freshwater fish I have and get 'em in a bag to take to the store. That'll be an adventure in itself..
Ironman58;112390 wrote: Greg at the store told me last night that I could get a couple of small corals in about 4-5 weeks. .

I'd recommend inexpensive xenia and kenya trees. You can often find members here giving away frags of these. I've read that xenia is a good way to keep an eye on your PH levels.
Barbara;112765 wrote: Oh, forgot a few things.

I'm going to go with Mysterybox and Greg at Optimum on the skimmer. I don't think you need to add it right away when your tank is cycling. I didn't add my PS until 2 months after setting up my tank and I didn't lose anything. But I bought my Live Rock direct from someone in Florida and I cycled it myself OUTSIDE OF MY TANK, so I know it was cooked before I ever put it in the tank. If you buy live rock from Optimum, smell it - yep, stick it to your nose and inhale. If it smells at all (other than like saltwater), it might not be fully cured. If you're going to put uncured rock in your tank, you may need the Protein Skimmer sooner.

Also, I would recommend a sump if you have the space. It "hides" your Protein Skimmer, filters, heater, etc., and gives you a place to add top off water and chemicals for your tank without dumping right into the display. You can also build your own sump (instead of buying a pre-fashioned one at the store), and that way you'll get exactly what you want, even a refugium if you want one. I love mine. I ran my SW tank for 2 years before I built a sump, so you don't have to start out with a sump if you don't want. I recommend that you start with one, however, because that way you don't have to buy a Hang on Back skimmer, then buy an in-sump skimmer later.

Just a few more thoughts.....

THANKS Barbara! I'll sure take the xenia and zoas. I'll google 'em in a sec to see what they are :confused2:.

I'm all set up! tank's up and running, salinity's not QUITE right but I'm basically letting everything run for at least 3-4 days before I adjust salinity. Greg picked out some amazing live rock for me, It stacked up beautifully with lots of tunnels and caves. I opted for the skimmer and sump, but had to by another stand since my old one was too small to put everything inside the cabinet, and I didn't want to just set it behind the old stand. It's cool because I found the PERFECT stand on sale at Petsmart.

Can't say enough about Greg at Optimum aquarium. He took the freshwater fish and gave me a really good credit for them, then he went through everything I needed to do, showed me how to hook everything up, gave me tips and hints..just really went out of the way to make sure I had what I needed and that everything would work. He spent ad good hour and a half going over everything. Even let me borrow a live rock container to get my rock home. Right now I'm looking at my tank, the water's really cleaning up nice, and everything seems fine so far. There's a nice little burbling sound as like a little brook coming from the tank..VERY relaxing..Now I'm just gonna leave it alone for the next few weeks...

I think I will buy on-line for anything else, like power heads or timers. I'll support those guys ato Optimum too though. I also build model kits and believe in supporting the local hobby shop, although I DO buy a lt on-line..

NOW I'm off to play video games, watch DVDs, be a BUM for the next couple of weeks!
IMO you can add a CUC after 2 weeks and fish after 4 weeks, shortly after add corals. I wouldnt worry about the whole keeping the lights off thing. Everyone gets an intial outbreak of diatoms "brown algae".
mysterybox;112059 wrote: Any of the people on this.............well, actually......almost any of the people on this thread (just playing david) can do that for you.

It's all good, Ralph!

I can help by giving a whole lotta ideas that *don't* work! :doh:
mysterybox;112949 wrote: hey! what's up with your tank? how's things going?

Really good so far! Checked the tank this morning-water's crystal clear and the pump, filter and skimmer are humming along just fine. It's a little noisy isn't it? a bit more than the old pump I had, but it's a lot bigger, so I guess it comes with the territory..I plan on posting some pics for y'all later so you can see how it's coming...
I'll post updates pretty soon.... new lights, new heater, new growth, and the 6-line wrasse came back to life! I think I'm gonna have to call him "Lazarus!"

Pics will be coming up soon...
davidbgreen;112992 wrote: I'll post updates pretty soon.... new lights, new heater, new growth, and the 6-line wrasse came back to life! I think I'm gonna have to call him "Lazarus!"

Pics will be coming up soon...

that will be awesome!