High Priced SPS stick fustrating dilemma!


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Powder Springs
Over a year ago I bought an (over priced) frag from XX, a big coral grower that everyone knows and loves. I've NEVER had an algae problem but have had high nutrients at times and this stick ALWAYS is my warning signal.
There will be NO alage to be found except on/in the tip and base of this stick! I'm sure if I didn't address my prams I would have an algae outbreak but I fix it. However, this stick drives me crazy!

I've cut the top out of it at least 5 times, pulled it off the completly encrusted frag plug, scrapped the bottom of the SPS and reattached it but it does it again! This thing never has a chance to grow and I'm afraid of what "type" of alage it is so I am not going to allow it to stay in my system.

Anyone have any advise or soulutions to such an issue besides getting rid of it?

It does have the nicest color of all my sticks!
scrub the aglea off as best you can and put a dab of super glue on it.
Why not just toss the base? Is it a plug? Put it on a new one.

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I have been able to kill Algae on zoa frags with Hydrogen peroxide mixed with tank water, I scrubbed/scraped whatever algae I could off of the plug and then put it in a dip for 3 mins, i used about 15 ml of 3% peroxide in a half quart Tupperware full of water... it worked for good, along with keeping my params in check, however, it took about a week for the Zoas to open up again.... and im sure that what you have is going to be much more sensitive than zoas... I was hesitant to even throw in my two cents because i dont want to find myself responsible for the death of a prized piece. Most of the articles about this are with regards to freshwater and full tank dosing. But I have found it to be effective is salt water with a dip and have seen people battle hair algae by scrubbing and rinsing rocks with it. I think H2O2 does not discriminate though, and will "attack" the coral flesh to some degree. I am not a scientist, my only degree is of the general education variety... so this is not advice, just a statement of experience. I hope that statement thoroughly covers my butt.
Haven't had the chance acquire more knowledge myself about of all sps kinds bud, what's the specific name sps your talking about Deb? I might be able to search in another forums and ask a few friends on Fb to get answers to your questions and concerns

BTW your reef looks amazing, I kind of understand your fustration for a reef looking that healthy and have a public enemy/friend (because it gives you first news about the water quality ) that's not going in pair with the rest of the corals on the tank. However, in my belief, there's always going to be such a little problem in mixed reefs, like you know, some will love different parameters than others at the same time some will have different requirements than the rest imho.

I'm sorry I'm not much help in your questions but some of the experienced guys here will chime in
I've found peroxide to be less friendly on sps frags. Maybe give something like CoralRX a try. Pull off what you can, then dip.
I can't find a good pic but it's the SPS in the VERY top far left corner, blue purple...
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Regarding above post, I've taken it off the original plug, attached to new plug which slso aquaired algae as stated above, I've even scraped off the Skelton and glue twice but it's IN THE CORAL itself!?!?

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You can see it if you look close on the bottom and center tip!
I've chopped this coral up SO many times trying to cut it out with NO success!!!
Algae doesn't grow on tissue.

With that my guess would be burnt tips issues and this piece being very sensitive to the cause.

Common causes here would be high ALK with low nutrients.
Carbon doseing
High Po4

My 2 cents
Keeping parameters in check so that coral isn't your barometer?

Parameter swings aren't good for any of your inhabitants. By the time the algae starts to grow, you've already got a problem to solve.

Just a suggestion.

JennM;1042161 wrote: Keeping parameters in check so that coral isn't your barometer?

Parameter swings aren't good for any of your inhabitants. By the time the algae starts to grow, you've already got a problem to solve.

Just a suggestion.


This doesn't feel constructive, who hasn't had a little nuisance problem every so often? Not trying to stir a pot... just this seems like more of a jab than advice.
Deb knows me, and hopefully heard me as intended - it wasn't meant as a 'jab'. I apologize if it came across that way, that surely was not the intention.

It is a valid suggestion though, if parameters are changing to the point where nuisance algae begins, it is a red flag from the tank to take care of business.

Nothing more, nothing less.

My bad for misinterpreting it, at the same time though. Some nuisance problems seem to persist regardless of anything we can measure IMO. The ocean has things in it that are miraculous and unstoppable, especially confined in a small space. I do 20% water changes every three days, I'm super anal about my water parameters, and still I have had to on more than one occasion say "ok. This just isn't going to stay in my tank" my pride and bank account fought with me to the bitter end. Though when playing god over a tiny ocean world fails me... I revert to my human "kill it with fire" nature
I don't know if you're carbon dosing, but I am going through a "transition period" right now where I am getting nutrient release from my LR due to carbon dosing. I've also noticed that in a couple of spots on some of my sps where new growth is coming in that a very small amount of algae is springing up there. From what I understand with carbon dosing and coral skeleton formation, if you have coral that's growing while you have nutrients in the system, then the skeleton forms with calcium nitrate and calcium phosphate. So when carbon dosing, the bacteria colonies can dissolve the nutrient laden carbonate, allowing for uptake by algae. I'm still learning about how carbon dosing works exactly, but I think I'm starting to understand, HTH.
Atlanta Aquarium;1042204 wrote: The frag seem to have a lot of algae on it. The best thing to do in my opinion is frag off a portion that isn't affect by the algae. Put it on a new frag plug. That particular sps grows very fast. You will have a nice sps colony in no time.
High Priced, over priced frag? lol I did remembered you stopped by our both. I think I helped you most of purchased if not all. Most of the frags you purchased were $5.00 each. I think 1 or 2 frags you purchased were $15.00. I guess everybody opinion of over priced are different. Just curious, how much did you paid for the frag?
For those who were asking the type of sps it is. It's very similar to ORA German Blue Acropora.

<span style="font-size: 15px">RIT,
This was NOT from you!
I said a "BIG CORAL GROWER" who is loved by all, not a LFS, lol</span></font><!-- gcu-updated SIZE -->

As stated twice i've already taken off that plug. Sure it's larger but WRONG, it does not grow fast. My Red Dragon, Pink Lemonaid, Red Planet... Grow MUCH faster!

A member whom recently was at my house swapping coral called it a Pectinia as he happened to comment on its beauty and outstanding color. I PM him yesterday to ask him the name again, I'm not big into names.

<span style="font-size: 13px">I've NEVER bought an SPS from you, nor ever been in your store. I bought Zoas frags at the Expo over a year ago and NEVER ANYTHING ELSE!
<span style="font-size: 13px">I'm not sure how you could forget but, while I was talking to you another man put the zoa frags in a bag. I WATCHED and you told him which...On two of the frags half the Zoas were CLOSED UP on the frag!
After QT for a few days it appreared they had nudities as it got worse and infected the others. I PMed you FIVE times asking if these had came from your store or if you randomly picked them up cheap for </span>the expo.
I COULD NOT GET A STRAIGHT ANSWER FROM YOU, GOT TOTALLY XXXXX AND TOLD YOU SO! I still have the PM's if you have forgotten this incident!
At that point I threw them away. Yes, no big deal 6, $5 frags isn't xxxx wasn't worth my time to dip , dip, dip and wait it out. So I blew it off and haven't been to your store or purchased anything else from you!</span>

As for you question, how much I paid for it, what I call "high priced".... It's really none of your business!
Jesse, correct on PO4 but I've got hundreds of Sun Coral and Dendro to feed. It's a hard balancing act.

Brian, haha thanks and your right that's great top coat :)

I like you :)
Jenn is a true northerner Canada! I would have to say I am as well since I'm originally from Michigan, however I have been here 30 years. Obviously my northern frankness, perhaps "harshality" still slips out at times! ^^ oops!

Joe, no carbon dosing :(

Yeah yeah you know I know that lol.

Not what the heck do you think is inside this coral? Have you ever seen anything like it?

I got a Kessil today for my quarantine tank so that I can let this thing grow out if (when it happens again). We shall see what it really is! You all will be the first to view algae growing in the tip of a live SPS Skelton :)
Just to clarify a pectinia is lps, very similar to a chalice.