I sent my water off to be tested and it came back with really high Si in the RODI. There was no silica only silicon. Is this an issue and if so would I run an anionic resin to strip it out?
I had exactly the same thing happen a few year ago when I started testing RODI water. I run the dual resins and the anionic resin always seems to exhaust quicker. I personally replace with a new dual DI cartridge and the problem resolves. A better solution would be to add an additional chamber and run a straight anionic resin but I've never taken that step.
As far as this stuff goes, @Adam has the best handle on it. I'll see if he comes around to make a comment for us.
Thank you both very much! I am in the middle of moving my mixing station, so when I install the RODI I will put in seperate anionic and cationic stages.